Montreal Gazette


- TERRY MOSHER (AISLIN) On April 5, 2017, Terry Mosher’s new book will be published. Titled “From Trudeau to Trudeau: Fifty Years of Aislin Cartoons,” it has an introducti­on by Bob Rae. Also, Montreal’s McCord Museum will present an Ais

When I started cartooning for newspapers, there were two taboo subjects: sex and the royal family. I can’t stand those kinds of restrictio­ns, and saw my chance to push the envelope during a 1973 visit to Canada by the queen and Prince Philip.

Before then, the queen had been considered untouchabl­e by Canada’s English-language press. However, when Philip filled in for the queen at a speaking engagement, I went ahead and drew the royal couple as ventriloqu­ist and puppet. Tim Creery, my editor at the time, was aware of the higher tolerance in England for lampooning the royals, and agreed to print the cartoon on the editorial page.

The Gazette switchboar­d fielded more than 300 angry calls the next day. My cartoon had provoked a passionate reaction, especially from indignant members of the Monarchist League. For three days, the editorial page ran nothing but letters about my cartoon.

The queen’s press secretary wrote to Creery to ask what the point of the cartoon was. I was cheeky and responded by saying the point had been a triple-zero Rapidograp­h pen.

My testing of the boundaries paid off. Six months later, Creery okayed a cartoon about the marriage of Princess Anne, with a horse saying “I do.” The indignatio­n was muted. When Prince Charles visited the Canadian north in 1975, Buckingham Palace asked for — and got — my original drawing.

The puppet cartoon was printed more than 40 years ago. Since then, Queen Elizabeth has gracefully weathered her family’s trials and tribulatio­ns. My anti-monarchist sentiments have mellowed and I’m quite fond of Her Majesty now. In any case, when I draw a cartoon featuring the royals these days, there are few complaints.

They’ve become fair game, which is as it should be.

My favourite “royal” drawing? In 2008, the Obamas made their first official visit to Buckingham Palace. Tall Michelle Obama, new to English protocol, reached out to touch the Queen. Diminutive Queen Elizabeth reciprocat­ed. When the clip appeared on YouTube, I couldn’t resist. Guess what? Not one letter of complaint.

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