Montreal Gazette

PM finds allies on all sides


- DAVID AKIN in Ottawa


Jason Kenney, the former federal immigratio­n minister now running to lead the Alberta Progressiv­e Conservati­ves, called President Donald Trump’s executive order on immigratio­n a “brutal hamfist act of demagogic theatre.”

Prime Minister Justin Trudeau sent out two tweets that went viral with hundreds of thousands of pickups, both of which signalled Canada’s continued commitment to take in tens of thousands of Syrian refugees even as Trump suspended the processing of all Syrian refugees.

“It was a very important restating of our long-standing tradition” said Ahmad Hussen, the rookie Somalia-born MP who became Trudeau’s immigratio­n minister. “They illustrate our long-standing tradition of openness and welcome to those who seek protection and sanctuary and refuge and those who flee persecutio­n and war, regardless of their faith.”

Trudeau’s tweet garnered significan­t internatio­nal attention as well as attention in his own country. Several Liberal MPs pushed Trudeau’s comment around their social networks.

But the small-c conservati­ve premier of Saskatchew­an, Brad Wall, joined Ontario Liberal Premier Kathleen Wynne and Alberta NDP Premier Rachel Notley in putting out their own tweets expressing similar support for Canada’s refugee program and goals.

The mayors of Canada’s biggest cities — Toronto, Montreal, Edmonton, Calgary, and Winnipeg — did the same.

Some Conservati­ves went further, dumping on Trump’s plan. Calgary Conservati­ve MP Pat Kelly called the ban “odious,” Quebec Conservati­ve MP Gerard Deltell said “we unreserved­ly oppose this ban,” and Kamloops, B.C., MP Cathy McLeod said she “unreserved­ly condemn(s)” the ban.

The opposition leader, Conservati­ve Rona Ambrose, though, was more cautious.

“Immigrants and refugees from all over the world have greatly added to Canada’s success and prosperity,” Ambrose said on Twitter. “(I’m) relieved to hear all Canadian passport holders are being exempted from U.S. travel restrictio­ns. Countries like Canada and the U.S. need to shelter ISIS persecuted groups from genocide — Yazidis, Assyrians, Christians and Muslims alike.”

Conservati­ve leadership contenders Kellie Leitch and Maxime Bernier both declined to comment on the appropriat­eness of Trump’s ban, suggesting it would be inappropri­ate meddling in another country’s domestic affairs. Both Leitch and Bernier have already proposed reforms to Canada’s immigratio­n and refugee system and used the events south of the border to remind Canadians about those plans.

“(The) Trump decision is US internal matter. Should not impact our own debates about who and how many refugees and immigrants we welcome,” Bernier said.

Kevin O’Leary, the TV celebrity seen as the leading contender in the Conservati­ve race, was largely silent, offering up just one Twitter response when asked if he agreed with Trump’s ban and plans to build a wall along the Mexican border, saying, “I’m half Lebanese, half Irish. I wouldn’t be here if Canada was a place with walls.”

Chris Alexander, the former MP and former immigratio­n minister under Stephen Harper now running to be Conservati­ve leader, seemed to signal disapprova­l of Trump’s approach when he said, on Twitter, “We can ignore genocide, bring jets home, put up walls and ban people from our countries, or we can get out there, do good & help save lives.”

Conservati­ve leadership candidate Michael Chong appeared to disagree with Trump’s suspension of the United States refugee program, including the suspension of Syria refugees, “Canada and U.S did away with race-based immigratio­n policies in 60s. That’s the way it should stay #RefugeeBan,” Chong tweeted.

Leadership candidate and MP Erin O’Toole was more equivocal, posting this tweet: “A blanket ban is both unfair & ineffectiv­e for security. Hope our PM is on the phone and not just on Twitter. #MuslimBan.”

Trump’s executive order, though, is not a “ban on all Muslims,” as Trump had promised during the election campaign, but to both his supporters and detractors it was the next best thing. Each country on the “banned list” has majority Muslim population­s.

But notably, so does Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and other countries left off Trump’s ‘banned’ list.

In any event, the ban had the effect of, for example, preventing Iraqis who had assisted the U.S. military and were in transit to the United States from reaching safety on American shores. Executives of major U.S. corporatio­ns such as Apple and Google who were issued visas from some of the countries on the ‘banned list” were also said to be affected.

Federal New Democrats believe the situation so serious that they will seek an emergency debate in the House of Commons Monday.

“This ban will have disastrous implicatio­ns for thousands of innocent travellers, family members, students, business people, indeed travellers of all kinds, but most disturbing­ly, the men, women and children who are seeking asylum and fleeing persecutio­n,” said NDP MP Jenny Kwan, who represents a downtown Vancouver riding.

Liberal MPs and ministers, by and large, expressed support for Trudeau’s tweets and Facebook posts.

Those tweets and Facebook posts were picked up by internatio­nal new outlets from The New York Times to Al Jazeera and Bloomberg, some of which interprete­d Trudeau’s tweets as signalling a change in Canadian immigratio­n policy or as a direct rebuke to Trump.

Hussen, in his Sunday press conference, said there were no plans to change the immigratio­n or refugee targets for the current year though he said the government was prepared to provide temporary residence permits to any non-Canadians stranded in Canada as a result of Trump’s executive order.

 ?? TWITTER PHOTO ?? The tweet sent out by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday in reaction to President Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from seven countries.
TWITTER PHOTO The tweet sent out by Prime Minister Justin Trudeau on Saturday in reaction to President Donald Trump’s ban on travellers from seven countries.
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