Montreal Gazette

MUHC rejects merger proposals


No more health mergers.

That’s the conclusion of an exhaustive internal consultati­on by the McGill University Health Centre examining proposals to have the MUHC fall under the authority of a new mega health organizati­on.

Almost two years after Health Minister Gaétan Barrette merged dozens of hospitals across Quebec to save $220 million a year in administra­tive expenses, the MUHC is officially rejecting proposals that would have it be swallowed up in either a two-way or a three-way merger.

In a 17-page report adopted unanimousl­y by its board of directors, the MUHC expresses concern about the potential impact on patient care of another round of mergers.

The report warns that “a more centralize­d administra­tion will not necessaril­y deliver any tangible improvemen­ts in the patients’ experience as they navigate the network.”

“Based on our consultati­on process,” the report adds, “we can attest that there is no support for any merger, be it two or three organizati­ons.”

The report comes two weeks before McGill University is to hold a meeting with its medical faculty on rival scenarios outlined by the heads of two umbrella health organizati­ons who were appointed by Barrette to implement his reforms in the western half of Montreal.

Under a proposal by Benoit Morin, the West Island health authority that he leads would merge with the MUHC, and he would be put in charge of the new organizati­on. In contrast, Dr. Lawrence Rosenberg has proposed creating a McGill Health Network with a single board of directors. Rosenberg currently heads the West Central Montreal health authority, and under his vision he would also be ultimately responsibl­e for the MUHC and most of the institutio­ns in Morin’s organizati­on.

The merger proposals arose last June after Normand Rinfret announced he would retire from the MUHC as executive director. The MUHC set up a search committee for Rinfret’s successor. In applying for the top job, Morin recommende­d that the MUHC merge with his organizati­on, known in French as the CIUSSS de l’Ouest-de-l’Île.

Rosenberg then applied for the job, and he recommende­d that all McGill-affiliated health and social services institutio­ns be managed in a single network.

But the report criticizes the manner in which the proposals were made.

“Some patients and members of the community were upset that these issues must be decided in an urgent manner prompted by the recruitmen­t of a new president and executive director of the MUHC,” says the report. “They would have liked the two files to be split and studied on the merits of the respective issues they raise.”

The MUHC opened its superhospi­tal at the Glen site in April 2015, and is in the midst of restructur­ing its clinical mission, divesting many primary services to community clinics as it cuts its budget.

“While major restructur­ing is still being tackled, it would be unwise ... to rush unconsolid­ated organizati­ons into a new reorganiza­tion — particular­ly as the clinicians consulted are not convinced that patients will benefit in the short to medium term,” adds the report. “For their part, patients are not persuaded that a mega structure is the solution to the issues around access to services, continuity and fluidity of care.”

In October, Barrette appointed Dr. Arvind K. Joshi, the former executive director of St. Mary’s Hospital, to carry out consultati­ons on the proposals.

Through his press attaché, Barrette declined to comment on the MUHC’s internal consultati­on. “We’re waiting for the report by Mr. Joshi,” Julie White said by email.

The MUHC consulted more than 150 people, including doctors, nurses, union representa­tives, patients and volunteers. Although the report rejects the merger proposals, it does call for “strengthen­ing and revitalizi­ng ” the McGill RUIS, a network that was set up in 2003 to oversee McGill-affiliated institutio­ns.

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