Montreal Gazette


- ALBERT KRAMBERGER Readers can post their comments online at montrealga­ ( look under the News/Local News tab on our home page) or send a note via twitter (@akramberge­r1).

Perhaps a solution is for buffet restaurant­s to offer an under-18 in-between rate for those arbitraril­y determined to be too old to be called a kid at age 11.

You might hear people reflect that kids grow up too fast these days, whether it’s how they act, what they wear or what they are exposed to in this digital age.

Many West Island restaurant­s strive to cater to young families with a range of options, from fast-food eateries to casual dining and buffet-style spots.

A “kids menu” is a common feature, typically offering smaller versions of main courses, finger food and comfort dishes to potentiall­y fussy youngsters as their parents dine out.

During the school break last week, our family invited our daughter’s best friend along to a dinner out after a fun afternoon swim for the kids at the PointeClai­re aquatic centre.

As a buffet dinner was on offer, no menus were brought to the table once they were seated at a Dorval restaurant.

After they filled their first plates and sat down to eat, a waiter came over to ask the three children their ages during what seemed to be friendly small talk. Later, he returned and informed them that since the daughter’s friend has turned 11, she would be charged the “adult” buffet charge, not the discounted children’s rate. It’s the house rule, the waiter insisted.

Although the difference in price was just under $10, my wife felt blindsided, since the age cutoff for the buffet was not clearly marked at the restaurant nor communicat­ed by staff before the group went up to fill their plates.

At the end of the meal, the waiter came over with the bill and not only pointed out the 11-year-old friend has been charged the adult rate but that his tip isn’t included in the tally.

At a buffet, is it fair to charge a child of a certain age the full adult rate? Will an 11-year-old eat as much as a 25-year-old person, male or female? Of course, someone’s appetite will vary because of many factors, age being just one.

Perhaps a solution is for buffet restaurant­s to offer an under-18 in-between rate for those arbitraril­y determined to be too old to be called a kid at age 11.

Now, it’s true that non-buffet restaurant­s with kids menus also have a cutoff age, usually listed at 10 or 12. At least customers in those cases have the informatio­n in front of them before ordering. It’s not clear why a 13-year-old shouldn’t be able place a “kids menu” order, since the offerings are usually smaller than what’s on adult menus and which, in some cases, might not offer an appeasing fix for a younger palate.

Another staple activity during school break for parents is taking their kids to the movies. It seems the major theatre chains have determined that 13 is the cutoff age for any discounts for kids, so that usually means teens pay more than card-carrying seniors to see a movie. Is that ageism?

It might seem like small potatoes, but I do wonder why can’t kids be kids a bit longer when going out to dine.

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