Montreal Gazette


Montrealer chosen by The Bachelor


Our fair city has been much in the news over the last few weeks in the U.S. No, not for the unexpected blizzard that left more than 300 cars stranded on Highway 13 for over 12 hours while the powers-that-be were caught unawares. And, no, not for our 375th anniversar­y celebratio­ns with its granite stumps atop Mount Royal.

Nope. It seems while many have been caught up in the ongoing reality show that is The Donald, others have been tuning into the world of Montreal special-ed teacher Vanessa Grimaldi, 29, who has become the first Canuck ever to win The Bachelor.

Nick Viall, a 36-year-old software-sales exec from Wisconsin, selected Grimaldi over a group of women, including a Floridian who still had a nanny in her 20s. The couple got engaged on the finale episode of the show March 13, when Viall presented Grimaldi with the symbolic last rose.

Grimaldi and Viall have since been making the rounds on the TV talk-show circuit, including visits to the sets of Ellen DeGeneres and Jimmy Kimmel.

As is usually the case with anything related to reality shows, there has been some skepticism regarding this romance. Some have noted an element of awkwardnes­s in their post-engagement TV appearance­s.

It’s understand­able. Talk about a whirlwind affair: the couple met and got hitched over a two-month period. (Although the last episode aired only two weeks ago, it was actually taped in November.) Also, this marked the fourth appearance for lonely heart Viall on a romance show — he had been on The Bacheloret­te twice as well as on Bachelor in Paradise. Clearly a realitycom­petition addict, Viall is also set to do some major strutting on Dancing With the Stars — but with another partner.

All of which has some cynics wondering if the Grimaldi/ Viall romance is the real deal, or simply a plot to generate publicity for the series until the two are out of the spotlight and later decide to go their own ways.

So, at the urging of inquiring minds, Grimaldi was tracked down in the wilds of Wisconsin, where she and Viall were touching base with his parents.

“We are currently engaged,” Grimaldi stated unequivoca­lly in a phone interview. “We are definitely not being paid (to toe the party line). I guess there is some skepticism because it’s been an unusual outcome. Most of the time, people put on a happy face and kind of avoid making (promises).

“But we decided to be honest about it. Things haven’t been perfect, but we’re very committed and we love each other, and we’re taking one step at a time.”

By not being perfect, Grimaldi refers to the fact that much of the relationsh­ip had been of the long-distance variety. He is based in L.A., while she was here, teaching students with learning disabiliti­es at the Galileo Adult Education Centre in Montreal North.

“We only had the chance to see each other three or four days at a time every two or three weeks (while shooting), and that was tough,” she says. “Watching back the episodes (with the other women Viall was dating) wasn’t easy, but Nick was very honest with me about the entire process.

“Going into all this, I was very skeptical about the whole process. I had been dating some interestin­g men over the last couple of years, but there had always been something missing. But with Nick, it was an automatic click. I remember waking up with him in Finland, and we just felt like we had been doing this for a while. No one watching this at home will ever understand how emotionall­y invested you can get so early on, and that’s what happened with me.”

True confession­s: Grimaldi had never watched a single episode of The Bachelor before going on. A friend had submitted her for considerat­ion, but Grimaldi didn’t think someone from these parts would ever be selected.

“I really didn’t take the interview for the show that seriously. But once I got the call and found out Nick was The Bachelor — he was the only one I would have gone for — I was into it.”

Her tight-knit family, not surprising­ly, was quite concerned, all the more so since Grimaldi previously had a long-term relationsh­ip that left her devastated when it ended.

Also, the prospect of Grimaldi bolting town has left family members uneasy.

“I’m in the process of figuring out whether I’m moving. I’m in L.A. now, supporting Nick while he’s on Dancing With the Stars — and I’m 100 per cent on board with that. But anything is possible. No marriage date has been set yet. We’re just enjoying being engaged and getting to know one another better.”

Grimaldi is currently setting up a Montreal charity initiative, No Better You, “to empower and raise awareness for special-ed students.”

Although on teaching hiatus now, she will be back in Montreal in May to watch her Galileo students perform in a play.

Viall, next to Grimaldi during the interview, gets on the phone and insists he has her back, too: “Vanessa is pretty much the full package for me.”

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