Montreal Gazette

Past abuse hampering future relationsh­ip

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Dear Annie: I’m a 46-year-old woman who has been married (and divorced) twice. Both marriages were filled with abuse — physical, emotional and sexual. Add to that severe child abuse — which has me permanentl­y disabled now — and, well, I’m scared to be intimate with anyone ever again.

I’ve been on two dates in the past 13 years. I’m finally getting to the point where I like myself and am considerin­g dating again (if anyone will want to date a middle-aged disabled woman). But I know that if I find someone I want to marry, the relationsh­ip will have to involve sex. It’s been 13 years since I last had sex. And for the seven years prior, it was forced sex, never consensual on my part.

Do you have any suggestion­s? Right now, the thought of sexual intercours­e terrifies me. It’s certainly not an issue now, but it will be when I start dating again. I do see a counsellor, which has helped me greatly, but we never discuss healthy sexual relationsh­ips; we just discuss the past abuse. Ready to Start Over

Dear Ready: I’m so sorry you’ve experience­d so much abuse throughout your life, but I’m also inspired by your positive attitude. I’m confident you’ll find someone out there who is worthy of your time, and he’ll be a lucky man indeed. But before then, you really need to talk to your counsellor about the sexual abuse you suffered and the impact it’s had on you. A counsellor’s office is a safe space that’s free of judgment, and this is exactly the type of thing a counsellor is there for.

You’re only 46. You still have decades of fun ahead of you. Hang in there, and keep striving to open your heart.

Dear Annie: I appreciate your empathetic and helpful responses to those who write to you. Recently, you responded to “Frustrated Friend,” who was having difficulty with someone who talks incessantl­y and does not allow any comments.

I am an experience­d mental health profession­al and wonder whether you considered that someone who cannot stop talking may be in a manic phase of bipolar affective disorder. There is no way of reasoning with or even interrupti­ng people who are exhibiting these symptoms. They should be under the care of a psychiatri­st. Medication is the first treatment of choice, followed by counsellin­g. A Licensed Clinical Social Worker in Sarasota, Fla.

Dear LCSW: Thank you for raising this important point. I hadn’t considered that it could be something that serious, but it’s possible and, at the very least, worth exploring.

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