Montreal Gazette

Look who’s going to the next round


P.K. Subban’s Nashville Predators advance to the next round of the NHL playoffs. Shea Weber’s Montreal Canadiens do not.

And the Maple Leafs, despite their eliminatio­n, are on the way to becoming Canada’s best hockey team well ahead of coach Mike Babcock’s schedule.

Meanwhile in Montreal? The good news is the Habs aren’t rotten to the core. The bad news is there isn’t one. Howard Greenfield, Montreal

Habs in need of big changes

Plain and simple, the better team won. Plain and simple, the Habs are no better a team today than they were five years ago upon general manager Marc Bergevin’s arrival.

Plain and simple, owner Geoff Molson needs to hire a transforma­tional leader and terminate the tinkerer. After all, next year will only be the 25th that Les Glorieux will have failed to reach even NHL elite status, let alone win Lord Stanley’s Cup. Barry Beloff, Montreal

Alternate captain gets A for effort

My sister Claire and I nominate Brendan Gallagher as Quebec health minister. He has a heart and compassion. Sue Khan, Westmount

Team must find more firepower

Another year has come and gone and my beloved Habs have failed again to regain the former glory of past Montreal teams.

Without a run to the Stanley Cup, I’m left to think about potholes, rotten health care and inept politician­s.

While I enjoy reading Jack Todd, I disagree with his analyses.

We know what goal scorers meant to the team in the past.

Larry Robinson and his blue-line buddies were great. However Guy, Yvon and Shutt were putting the pucks in the net.

General manager Marc Bergevin is full of excuses.

But two years ago the Pittsburgh Penguins GM rebuilt the team and won the cup in the same year.

Last year Bergevin grew a beard.

This year he’s clean shaven. Next year I hope he’s not with us.

Team owner Geoff Molson had better step up and prove to us that he wants to win. Mel Zangwill, Montreal

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