Montreal Gazette



“It isn’t the firsthand informatio­n that makes the best speech, but secondhand timing.” — Hal Chadwick

In today’s deal, your two-notrump rebid suggests a balanced 12-14, and North wisely opts for the major-suit game, seeing the aces as more useful in a suit. Game is certainly easier to make in spades than in no-trump. You appear to need a trump break, and some decent luck along the way. In fact, though, you need very little to work for you, as long as you time the hand well, but you have to be careful to avoid the threat of overruffs in clubs.

The defenders lead the heart jack, and you win it with the ace. Next come a club to the king and West’s ace — good news from your perspectiv­e, since now the threat of a trump promotion against you is considerab­ly reduced. West can do no better than return a heart, which you win with the king. Now comes the club queen, followed by the spade king and a spade to the ace.

With the defenders now holding the master trump, you take a club ruff and can deal with the 4-2 club break in stride. You cross to dummy with a heart ruff, trump another club to establish the suit, and cross to dummy for the last time by leading a diamond to the ace.

You can now advance your 13th club, discarding a diamond from hand, with nine tricks in the bag. The defenders can allow you to take this trick, or they can ruff in and allow you to score your remaining trump later.

ANSWER: Your partner’s call is forcing, suggesting a limit raise or better in spades. You have just enough extras to be unwilling to sign off in two spades. I believe the options are to temporize with an ostensibly natural two hearts, or my choice, which would be to bid two no-trump, a natural call showing some extras.

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