Montreal Gazette


- bobby wolff

“Every exit is an entry somewhere else.” — Tom Stoppard

In today’s bidding, North produced a subtle convention­al agreement after South limited his hand with a non-forcing two no-trump call. North bid the other minor as a convention­al slam-try, after which South’s modest hand suddenly became extremely suitable for slam. In this sequence, North could have signed off over two no-trump in three of the agreed minor, or bid a major to show shortness.

Against six clubs, West led the spade nine, and the jack was covered by the queen and ace. That was good news for declarer, who now had to focus on the small concern of 4-0 trumps, and the question of how to hold the red-suit losers to one.

Eventually declarer gave up on worrying about 4-0 trumps, since he wanted to preserve entries to his hand. He played the king and queen of trumps, then came to hand with the ace. Next he tried a low heart toward the queen. The idea was that if East won with the king, there would still be time to try the diamond finesse.

However, it was West who produced the king, and he returned a heart. Now, with no other entry to hand, South was reduced to overtaking the heart queen and finessing unsuccessf­ully in diamonds.

South was right to try the hearts before the diamonds, but what he missed was that he must attack hearts at trick two. Then, if the heart king is onside, he can unblock the heart queen and come to hand with the trump ace to arrange his discard in the fullness of time.

ANSWER: With a balanced 18-20 count, the best way to describe your hand is to double first, then bid two no-trump. The absence of a heart stopper is a little worrying, particular­ly since partner did not bid the suit, but they haven’t led the suit yet. And who knows — dummy may produce an honor there, if necessary.

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