Montreal Gazette

Scapegoati­ng ‘ethnic votes’ seems to be back

- DON MACPHERSON Twitter: DMacpGaz

Twenty-two years after the general condemnati­on in Quebec of Jacques Parizeau’s rant against “ethnic votes,” the scapegoati­ng of minority voters by nationalis­ts may be making a comeback.

The province’s next general election isn’t due until October 2018. Yet, despite the ongoing smear campaign against the Liberal government by the opposition parties, police and more or less unwitting media, some nationalis­ts are anticipati­ng the “corrupt” government’s re-election. And for that, they blame the minorities.

The scapegoati­ng could be easily ignored if it were coming from obscure bloggers. But it is given a certain respectabi­lity by its source in the mainstream media: columnists with past links to the Parti Québécois, writing in former PQ leader Pierre Karl Péladeau’s popular tabloids, including the province’s most-read daily, Le Journal de Montréal.

Currently the most prominent of these is Mathieu Bock-Côté, a prolific intellectu­al reported to have been a political influence on Péladeau.

“The PQ and minorities: whose fault?” was the headline on BockCôté’s column in Le Journal on Thursday, referring to that party’s lack of support among ethnic minorities. His answer: the latter.

“Who is closed to whom?” he asked. “Isn’t a massive vote, almost Soviet-like, against the sovereigni­sts and the historic aspiration­s of French-speaking Quebec motivated more or less consciousl­y by a ‘rejection of the other?’ Except that the other, in this case, is us.”

Never mind that the aspiration­s of sovereigni­sts are not shared by even a majority in French Quebec, and that minorities, far from rejecting the Québécois, regularly vote for them as candidates and party leaders.

In effect, Bock-Côté blamed minorities for doing the same thing as French-speaking Quebecers: voting according to their own interests.

It’s like blaming Québécois for the Conservati­ves’ failure to earn their votes.

Another Le Journal columnist, former PQ minister Joseph Facal, revived the pejorative expression “blocking minority,” used in the 1990s by a publisher of Le Devoir to describe the cultural minorities thwarting the supposed sovereigni­st will of the majority.

Facal used it first in a column in Le Journal on Tuesday, in which he wrote that ousting the Quebec Liberal Party is “a matter of basic hygiene.”

He argued that because of the division of the opposition vote among several parties, the Liberals could form another majority government with only 33 per cent of the vote. And, he said, “the hard core of the Liberal vote is the new Quebecers for whom every election is a referendum on sovereignt­y.”

He said that in the next election, voters should “take a deep breath, hold our noses and vote for whoever is in the best position to throw out the QLP.”

But, he added, “even that remains very unlikely, because Quebec’s demographi­c evolution gives a constantly growing power to a blocking minority. It’s tragic.”

Facal didn’t give up, however. He returned to the subject in another column on Thursday, in which he proposed what amounts to an alliance among the opposition parties against what he again called the “blocking minority.”

He didn’t even bother dogwhistli­ng a coded message.

With the express purpose of reducing the political influence of the minorities, he proposed that the parties unite behind a commitment that within a year of winning a combined majority in the National Assembly, they would change the electoral system.

They would replace the present single-member constituen­cy system with proportion­al representa­tion, in which seats in the Assembly would be distribute­d among the parties according to their respective shares of the vote.

“We would finally have a legislatur­e that would reflect the popular will, which now is hampered by the rules of the game and the ethno-linguistic divide,” he said.

It remains to be seen how much support there is for Facal’s proposal. But the mere fact that a former minister would confidentl­y make such an explicitly anti-minority proposal in a popular daily newspaper shows that the scapegoati­ng of “ethnic votes” may no longer be unacceptab­le in Quebec.

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