Montreal Gazette



Calvin the Shih Tzu really enjoys playing with big dogs. He is cool, quiet and calm. He was blessed with a sense of humour and an incredible coat. Name: Calvin Breed: Shih Tzu (but we figure there’s some billy goat in his lineage despite him being so dainty). Age: 5½ months Owner: Lindsay Davis Neighbourh­ood: St-Henri Favourite neighbourh­ood spot to walk in: There’s a path between StJacques and Workman Sts. that he loves. The Lachine Canal and the park on Agnès St. are pretty close seconds. What do you love about the neighbourh­ood?: Everything is walkable, so many fun delicious eats and it just feels like it’s always evolving. It’s super neighbourh­ood-y — you can’t walk down the street without bumping into someone you know. On a scale of 1-10, how dogfriendl­y is the neighbourh­ood?: An 8 or 9, It’s not Venice, Calif., but there’s a lot of happy dogs around here and we take them everywhere.

 ?? PAUL LABONTÉ ?? Owner Lindsay Davis and her Shih Tzu Calvin find St. Henri makes a fine home base. “There’s a lot of happy dogs around here.”
PAUL LABONTÉ Owner Lindsay Davis and her Shih Tzu Calvin find St. Henri makes a fine home base. “There’s a lot of happy dogs around here.”

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