Montreal Gazette

Driving? Put the phone away!

- ANNIE LANE Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at

Dear Annie: Fourteen years ago, my husband was killed in a senseless, tragic motor vehicle accident.

A girl talking on her cellphone while driving lost control of her vehicle and was witnessed weaving across narrow highway lanes, forcing my husband over the guardrail. His car fell about 60 feet. He was taken to a local hospital with a brain bleed and numerous fractures of the cervical and thoracic spine. After 26 days in a coma, my beloved husband and my daughter’s best friend passed away.

At the hearing, when the judge asked her whether she had been talking on her cellphone, she lied and said no. Her cellphone records proved otherwise. Prior to the hearing, the state’s attorney informed me she would serve no prison time.

She had graduated as class valedictor­ian and was attending a prestigiou­s university.

She had her entire life ahead of her. She was given 100 hours of community service at a rehab facility. Such a travesty of justice! What about my husband’s life?

It would take too many words to express the depth of the pain of loss our daughter, my husband’s sisters and I have felt every day for 14 years and will continue to feel.

All of you who use your cellphone while driving, please, please stop. This was my husband’s pet peeve. Forever Heartbroke­n Dear Forever Heartbroke­n: I am so sorry for your loss.

Readers, if you use your cellphone while driving, it’s not a matter of “if” you get into a crash but “when.” If you have trouble resisting the urge to look at your phone, consider installing an app such as Live2Txt, which blocks all incoming calls and texts while you’re driving.

For parents, there’s Cellcontro­l, a device that can be installed in the dashboard of a car and paired with an app that prevents your teen from texting while driving. Thank you for raising this important issue. If your letter causes even one person to think twice before texting while driving, it just might save a life.

Dear Annie: My granddaugh­ter is turning seven soon and wants to have a small birthday party. She has five friends she wants to invite. Her mom (my daughter) is close to another mother who has a child in the same group, but my granddaugh­ter does not want to invite that child.

In previous years, this child was invited, but during this past year, the kids have grown apart. So the problem is: Should this child be invited to keep the peace, or should my granddaugh­ter invite only the friends she wants? Nana

Dear Nana: I’m never one for leaving children out, especially when they are as young as seven. Invite her. Who knows? By next week, they may be best friends. Kids change their mind all the time. They’re much more open than grown-ups.

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