Montreal Gazette

Show of unity after revolt over leadership

Party united once again after leader mends fences with ‘group of seven’ rebels


Embattled Bloc Québécois Leader Martine Ouellet has managed to put down, for now, an open mutiny against her leadership.

Emerging from an emergency caucus meeting of the Bloc’s 10 MPs in Ottawa, Ouellet said she apologized to former interim party leader Rhéal Fortin for an incident in which Ouellet’s chief of staff tried to sully Fortin’s name in a power struggle.

“If I hurt him, I apologize,” Ouellet told reporters. “I have full confidence in Rhéal, who did excellent work as the interim leader supporting the Bloc for 18 months.”

She said she rapidly disassocia­ted herself from the incident in question and fired the chief of staff.

“We had extremely constructi­ve discussion­s,” Ouellet added. “We all want to work together, and that’s what we’re going to do in the future.”

At her side, Fortin said he has accepted the apology and is ready to again work with Ouellet, embroiled in her first crisis as leader only three months into the job.

“I accept Martine’s apology with humility and enthusiasm,” Fortin said. “She’s our leader, I want to work with her, and I think we will continue on our path.”

“I can say we had a good working session,” added Bloc house leader Gabriel Ste-Marie, a member of the group of seven MPs who revolted against Ouellet on Wednesday.

“The Bloc is united. Martine is our leader, she has our full confidence, and you will see we will move mountains together.”

The show of unity follows a full day and night of high drama in the party sparked when Ouellet’s chief of staff, Louis-Philippe Dubois, tried to leak informatio­n damaging to Fortin’s reputation to the Huffington Post.

In response to the report, Ouellet fired Dubois, saying he had lost the trust of the caucus.

But inside the caucus, there were suspicions Ouellet was behind the leak, because they couldn’t believe Dubois could have made such a decision without her approval. The incident only fuelled the level of distrust between Ouellet and the caucus.

The rebels said Ouellet should never have named Dubois to the post because he has no experience. By late Wednesday, seven Bloc MPs revolted, saying they had lost confidence in Ouellet.

Ouellet went on a Montreal radio station Wednesday and denied any knowledge of what was going on and accused the caucus of leaking other damaging informatio­n to the media.

“There is a kind of mutiny happening and I think it has to stop,” Ouellet said. “It’s not the first time. Mario Beaulieu (the former Bloc leader) experience­d the same thing.”

Rushing to Ottawa on Wednesday evening from Quebec City, where she sits as a provincial politician, Ouellet went into the caucus with guns blazing and determined to regain control.

“My message this morning before the meeting is that recess is over,” Ouellet told reporters. “I have had enough of this childish behaviour and the acts of sabotage. Certain MPs are going to have a choice to make. Party democracy has spoken. They will have a choice to respect it or not.”

But veteran Bloc MP Louis Plamondon — one of the seven Bloc MPs rebelling against her leadership — was also clear.

“For the moment, our confidence in her (Ouellet) is broken,” Plamondon told reporters as he arrived. “That means she has to regain our confidence for us to be able to continue working with her. I think the debate in caucus will help us find a solution.”

Thursday, Dubois released a letter to the media in which he pointed the blame for the crisis right back at the rebels.

He said the “group of seven” emerged the day he arrived on the job and tried to wield power. He tried everything he could to “protect the leader.”

“Their objective? ” Dubois said. “Restrict the leader in her choice of party officers (in the house), impose their veto on the nomination of her chief of staff and control all hiring on top of supervisin­g all the personnel in the legislativ­e wing.

“The longer the situation dragged on, the deeper the poison sank in (and) the more the dynamic became toxic and untenable,” Dubois said, adding he’s a victim of a string of lies produced by the rebels.

He admitted he tried to leak the informatio­n about Fortin, saying he wanted it to come out now, before the next federal election, when it could cause the Bloc real damage.

Far off in Quebec City, reporters tried to get Parti Québécois Leader Jean-François Lisée to talk about the mess in the PQ’s sister party, but he refused, other than to urge everyone to talk.

“Quebec needs the Bloc Québécois,” Lisée said at a news conference. “We have a prime minister, Justin Trudeau, who is contemptuo­us toward Quebec. Quebec has to be defended in Ottawa and it’s not federal Liberal MPs who are doing it and not the Conservati­ve MPs. It’s the Bloc Québécois.”

Ouellet, who is a former PQ MNA, still sits as an independen­t in the Quebec legislatur­e.

The logistical problems with her wearing the two hats — she is far from the action inside her Bloc caucus in Ottawa — came back to haunt Ouellet Wednesday when the crisis blew up.

With the National Assembly in session, Ouellet was forced to drop everything and rush to Ottawa.

 ?? THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Bloc Québécois Leader Martine Ouellet emerged from an emergency caucus meeting in Ottawa on Thursday to say “constructi­ve discussion­s” had taken place about how the party will move forward.
THE CANADIAN PRESS Bloc Québécois Leader Martine Ouellet emerged from an emergency caucus meeting in Ottawa on Thursday to say “constructi­ve discussion­s” had taken place about how the party will move forward.

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