Montreal Gazette

Honest loyalty? Trump got neither

Not trusting president, Comey took notes, leaked


James Comey: the man who always tries to have it both ways, and sometimes succeeds.

The former FBI director’s testimony before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee on Thursday was a feast of contradict­ion and self-serving showmanshi­p.

Comey said he felt uncomforta­ble with the president’s pressure to drop an investigat­ion into Michael Flynn, Trump’s first national security adviser. So uncomforta­ble that he wrote memos after conversati­ons with the president, to record what was said by whom. But Comey kept all of this informatio­n closely held until he was fired and never tried to challenge the president directly in these conversati­on. So just how uncomforta­ble was he?

Comey told senators Thursday that Trump defamed him. In his opening oral statement, he said Trump’s contention­s that there was a morale problem at the bureau under Comey were “lies, plain and simple.” And yet later on, Comey said he took Trump at his word when the president told NBC News that he was fired because of the Russia investigat­ion. Why believe the president when you know him to be a liar?

None of this gets Trump off the hook. Comey’s testimony portrays a president who governs like Tony Soprano — with implied threats and bravado. These anecdotes suggest Trump has no appreciati­on for the independen­ce of federal law enforcemen­t and the dangers of politicizi­ng the FBI.

But Comey also has some explaining to do. Here we have a former FBI director who presents himself as the last honest man in Washington. He makes a point of elaboratel­y explaining his actions as by-the-book law enforcemen­t. And yet his own story is a kind of paradox. He says that he felt pressured but that he did not give in to the pressure. He blows the whistle now, but didn’t at the time.

Comey said he considered Trump’s request to drop the Flynn investigat­ion, a day after Flynn was fired, to be a “directive.” That’s not quite an order, but it’s close. Yet Comey ignored that directive. He paid close attention in his meeting with Trump. He took notes and shared them with the FBI’s senior leaders, but he made sure to shield his own workforce from this informatio­n, fearing it would have a “chilling effect” on the investigat­ors digging into Flynn.

Very well. This however raises an important question. If Comey believed knowledge of the president’s wishes to drop the Flynn investigat­ion would pressure investigat­ors, why leak it to the New York Times? Now every FBI agent in the country knows what Comey had hoped they would never learn.

It turns out that Comey’s calculatio­n on the Flynn request changed after he was fired. In a rare moment of Washington candour, the former FBI director acknowledg­ed his own leak. “My judgment was I needed to get that out in the public square, so I asked a friend of mine to share the content of the memo with a reporter,” he said. “Didn’t do it myself for a variety of reasons, but I asked him to because I thought that might prompt the appointmen­t of a special counsel.”

Well what do you know? Comey’s leak worked. Soon after the story hit the Times, the deputy attorney general Rod Rosenstein appointed another former FBI director, Robert Mueller, as special counsel.

So why didn’t Comey act sooner? If it was a good idea after he was fired, wasn’t it also a good idea before he was fired? He didn’t really say. At one point, he said he believed the most important thing he could do would be to stay in his position to make sure the FBI wasn’t tainted by the president’s pressure. (How convenient.) At the same time, Comey acknowledg­ed that Trump said he should investigat­e whether any of his associates (Trump called them satellites) did anything illegal or improper.

In his many memorializ­ed meetings, Comey never really challenged Trump directly on these requests. The closest he came was to ask the deputy attorney general to never allow him to be in a one-on-one meeting again with Trump. When Trump asked him to drop the Flynn investigat­ion, Comey demurred and simply agreed Flynn was a “good guy.”

In the hearing he said he hoped his non-answer on dropping the investigat­ion would be a signal to the president that he couldn’t do this. When Trump asked for his loyalty, he promised him his honesty, and then ultimately his “honest loyalty.”

It turns out that Comey didn’t deliver Trump his loyalty or his honesty. If he had, he would have told the president at the time that what he was being asked to do was wrong and that he would not work under such conditions. Instead, Comey took notes and waited for Trump to strike first.


 ?? CHIP SOMODEVILL­A / GETTY IMAGES ?? Former FBI director James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee Thursday, where he said President Trump demanded Comey’s loyalty in a private meeting.
CHIP SOMODEVILL­A / GETTY IMAGES Former FBI director James Comey testifies before the Senate Intelligen­ce Committee Thursday, where he said President Trump demanded Comey’s loyalty in a private meeting.

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