Montreal Gazette



“If you are too careful, you are so occupied in being careful that you are sure to stumble over something.” — Gertrude Stein

When your partner shows a limit raise on his first turn to speak, then optimistic­ally jumps to game rather than signing off in three hearts (over what is initially nothing more than a game-try of three clubs), you are entitled to assume he will contribute just a little more than the uninspirin­g 10-count he puts down in dummy in your contract of six hearts. If it offends you to bid slam without using Blackwood, pretend you asked for aces or key-cards before driving to six hearts.

At trick one, you realize that with a sure diamond loser, the contract appears to hinge on the club finesse; assuming that it works, what can possibly go wrong?

If you work through the play in your mind before playing a card, perhaps you will spot the snag. Win the diamond ace, draw trumps in three rounds, then lead the club queen, which holds, followed by a club to your hand. When this wins the trick with West showing out, you are stuck in hand with no way back to dummy to repeat the proven club finesse. And if you lose a club trick, down goes the contract.

Once you have identified the question, you have your answer. At trick two, take the club finesse by leading low from dummy to your hand. When it holds, draw trumps in three rounds ending in dummy and lead the club queen from the board. Now, whether East covers or not, the club suit runs for four tricks.

ANSWER: Although you have a great hand, you cannot really drive to game, since you need to find partner with a trick to be able to make game. If you jump to three hearts, partner should be able to work out that he needs little more than a king to bid on to game. Even a simple raise to two hearts here is a real game try, by the way.

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