Montreal Gazette

Don’t trash talk partner

- Annie lAne

Dear Annie: My boyfriend, “Hector,” and I have been dating for four years. Like any couple, we’ve had our ups and downs. The beginning of last year was especially bad. We each hit a wall profession­ally, were always frustrated and stressed out, and it inevitably affected the way we treated each other.

During this rocky time, I talked to my good friend “Michelle” a lot about the problems Hector and I were having. This was the first Michelle was really hearing details about my relationsh­ip, and they were all bad. As good friends do, Michelle immediatel­y took my side in the fight.

Fast-forward a year. Hector and I have improved our communicat­ion skills and are happier than ever. We talk about marriage regularly. I really think he’s the one.

The problem now is Michelle still hates him. I told her I know she got a bad impression of Hector from things I said but we have worked on our communicat­ion and are doing much better. She said something like “that’s great,” but I knew she didn’t mean it.

I feel I should never have opened up to Michelle about the problems we were having. How can you talk to friends about your relationsh­ip problems without their judging your relationsh­ip?

— Foot in Mouth

Dear Foot in Mouth: You can’t. That’s why the only person with whom you should be discussing your relationsh­ip problems is the person you’re in the relationsh­ip with. It’s not just the most respectful option; it’s the most constructi­ve, because he or she is the only person who can help solve the problem.

Michelle will come around in time, if Hector continues to be a good boyfriend. But take this experience as a lesson.

I must note that abuse is an important exception to this advice. Readers, if you feel unsafe, please reach out to friends or call The National Domestic Violence Hotline at 800-799-7233.

Dear Annie: The most wonderful in-laws decide when their children come to them with marriage problems, always — no matter what they truly think — side with the children’s spouses. After many years, my mother-in-law clued me in that she was doing this. Whenever my husband talked to her about a problem in our marriage, she told him she thought I was right, even if she really thought I was wrong. This was to encourage my husband to talk to me directly. In hindsight, I believe it really helped.

— B.F.

Dear B.F.: Humility is a virtue the best parents instil in children from a young age. Even when kids are grown, parents can continue to model humility, forgivenes­s and empathy, especially when it comes to marriage. No one is perfect.

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