Montreal Gazette

Merkel-Trump showdown looms at G20 summit

- MIA RABSON in Ottawa

Justin Trudeau is embarking on a week-long European sojourn that will culminate in a meeting of 20 of the world’s largest economies — one where he’ll test-drive a foreign affairs policy aimed at charting Canada’s own course in the world.

But Friday’s G20 meetings are clearly shaping up as a showdown between German Chancellor Angela Merkel and U.S. President Donald Trump.

In a speech last week to the German parliament that laid out her priorities for the meeting, Merkel — host of the two-day gathering in Hamburg — delivered a pointed critique of Trump’s nowinfamou­s “America First” doctrine without ever once mentioning his name.

“Whoever believes that the world’s problems can be solved by isolationi­sm and protection­ism is mistaken,” Merkel said.

Her G20 agenda — stronger global co-operation to fight climate change and terrorism, and more robust internatio­nal trade — cuts directly to the heart of her well-documented difference­s with Trump, a strategy some see as an effort to further isolate the U.S. president on the world stage.


Trump, for his part, has escalated the war of words with Merkel, using familiar rhetoric about a “massive trade deficit” the U.S. has with Germany and threats to slap import taxes on Germanmade cars.

Trump stood alone at the G7 meeting in Italy last month when the other six leaders, including Merkel and Trudeau, pushed him to stick with the Paris climate change accord, an internatio­nal treaty aimed at keeping global warming to less than two degrees celsius above pre-industrial levels.

Trump demurred, refused to sign the Paris part of the G7 communique, and later made it official: the U.S. was out.

Since then, Merkel has been working hard to shore up support for the accord among other G20 nations.

Into this mix steps Trudeau — more philosophi­cally aligned with Merkel and Emmanuel Macron, France’s new president, but lashed to the U.S. through economic and geographic ties.

Trudeau’s approach to Trump has put him in a unique position at this gathering, said Colin Robertson, a former Canadian diplomat and senior adviser at the law firm Dentons.

“The rest of the world has been impressed with how Justin Trudeau has managed Trump,” Robertson said.

Trudeau pushed Trump on Paris at the G7, but was less critical and showed more patience than his European counterpar­ts. He has since expressed his disappoint­ment and sided with the other signatorie­s, all the while insisting he’s not going to tell the president how to run his country.

At the same time, however, Canada has served notice that in an era of American protection­ism, it will forge its own path. It will push to strengthen the “postwar multilater­al order” that includes such institutio­ns as the United Nations, NATO and the World Trade Organizati­on, Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland made clear in a public address last month.

Before landing in Germany, Trudeau stops in Dublin to meet with Irish prime minister Leo Varadkar to talk up the Canada-EU trade deal known as CETA.

From there, he will travel to Scotland for an audience with the Queen.

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