Montreal Gazette



From her hospice bed in Arlington, Va., Emily Pomeranz said she wanted two last things — a Cleveland Indians hat and a mocha milkshake from a restaurant back home in Ohio.

Pomeranz, 50, was dying of pancreatic cancer, and an old friend, Sam Klein, wanted to make her wishes come true.

Klein said in a Facebook post this week that he contacted Tommy’s Restaurant in Cleveland and inquired about a long-distance milkshake delivery.

“‘Yes. We will figure out a way to do this Klein quoted the popular restaurant’s owner, Tommy Fello, as saying.

Within days, Klein said, that mocha milkshake had made it some 375 miles, across several states, and arrived at Pomeranz’s bedside.

“This was a huge surprise,” Klein wrote in his post. “She was thrilled. She shared it with her family. She talked about it for days and days.

“She shared the story with her friends back in Cleveland and here in the D.C. area. It was something that made everyone smile. A woman’s request for one last milkshake from her favourite restaurant. Wish granted!”

Pomeranz died about a month later, on July 28, according to her obituary, which stated she will be remembered for her “laugh, her sense of wonderment, her persistenc­e in the face of adversity, and her ability to connect with everyone around her.”

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