Montreal Gazette

She talks our ears off

- Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at ANNIE LANE

Dear Annie: We have a friend who cannot stop talking. She is smart and well-spoken, knowledgea­ble and has a lot of great things to share, but she never gives others a chance to talk. She talks over people, interrupts and monopolize­s every conversati­on.

We have talked to her many times, and some friends have chosen to not be a part of our activities because this gal just can’t stop talking. We have even been rude to get her attention. If we try to interject, she either speaks over us or gets upset. When we do talk to her about this, she gets offended and refuses to participat­e in conversati­ons, which makes us all uncomforta­ble. After she thinks about it and stops being offended, it gets better for a short time — but then it starts again. She also likes to pick one person and monopolize that person throughout a whole group gathering. When it happens with me, I feel as if I am being held captive.

She is a great friend, and we don’t want to exclude her, but it has become so obnoxious and irritating it may have to happen. Now we are all hoping that she sees this and takes note that it may be about her. — Love You, But Just Stop Talking

Dear LYBJST: Perhaps we should tap this woman’s hot air as a renewable resource, because it doesn’t seem to be dwindling. Even if she sees this letter, I’m doubtful it will have much of an impact. You’ve already tried talking to her about this issue many times, and she’s either ignored it or been indignant.

The only other thing I can think of is she may not be well emotionall­y. So you might encourage her to seek counsellin­g, where she could talk as much as she wants.

Dear Annie: On the street behind ours, a nice couple with two sweet little girls moved in. Our backyards meet. When I found out one of the girls, “Libby” had her third birthday coming up, I purchased a gift and gave it to her mother. She asked me whether there was something there for “Beth” (the other daughter, who is four). My reply was, “I thought it was Libby’s birthday.” She informed me Beth has feelings, too. I was shocked and at a loss for words. Now I wonder what I’ll do when Beth has her birthday. My husband and I had five children. Wouldn’t that system have been hard on some of our giftgiving friends and relatives?

— Confused Giver

Dear Confused Giver: This mom is not only being rude to you but also hurting her daughters. As mothers, our job is to teach our kids how to grow up and be respectful and unentitled members of society. If she is sending them the message that they should receive gifts even when it’s just their sister’s birthday, the girls will grow into very unhappy adults, waiting for life to give them all the things they think they deserve.

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