Montreal Gazette

Why do we have entrance exams for high school?

Public education options are limited for those who can’t pay


It’s been an education.

Like many parents with children in Grade 6 registered in Montreal’s English school system, I spent this past weekend shuttling around the island to a series of high school entrance exams and open houses.

A group of us with kids in the same class embarked on this choosing-a-secondary-school adventure last year, when they were in Grade 5.

Between us, we have done the tour de l’île and hit dozens of open houses.

We’ve built up an impressive collection of informatio­n folders and pamphlets.

Get us in a room together and we can tell you anything you want to know about the pros and cons of any number of French and English language schools with their various permutatio­ns and combinatio­ns in the public and private systems, and their specialize­d arts, sciences, robotics, special needs support, enriched learning or advanced placement programs.

We can even map out the public transit routes involved with getting to a given school.

And we’re not done yet — the open house/exam season, particular­ly for the French sector, goes well into October.

The whole experience has left my head spinning. But it’s left my friends and family in neighbouri­ng provinces shaking theirs. When I explain to them what we’ve been up to, the typical response goes something like this: “Entrance exams for high school? Elevenyear-old kids are writing threehour exams to get into high school? Like, public high school? On the weekends? And you have to pay to register for them? But why?”

And to this, I have no good answer. Why, indeed?

It goes without saying that we all want our kids to get a good education. But I have been completely taken aback by the amount of time and money the process of choosing and applying for a public high school has involved. Countless evening and weekend open houses aside, let’s talk about these exams.

On average, exam registrati­on fees for elite public high schools in both the French and English system can run between $50 to $70 per school. Many families invest in a private tutor or pay for a weekend preparator­y course. Some choose to invest in exam prep books. I bought two from Renaud Bray — in French, since I could find no English versions — which came to a total of about $60. This may not seem like a lot for some people. But for an increasing number of parents, these additional costs are simply not an option. Consider a recent survey which found that almost half of Canadian employees are living paycheque to paycheque. If you have school-age children, you know that the month of September means paying for school fees, lunch fees and activity fees. Sometimes it feels like one of those episodes of Oprah. You get a cheque! And you get a cheque! EVERYBODY GETS A CHEQUE! If you have more than one child, you may be looking at an extra thousand or more for public school fees during the month of September.

I can tell you that during our open house adventures I’ve seen first hand the disparitie­s between the public schools in lower income

Eleven-year-old kids writing exams to get into high school? Like, public high school?

areas and the elite public high schools. (Fabrice Vil of Le Devoir wrote a very good piece about this.) If not everyone can pay for the registrati­on fees, tutoring or exam preparator­y material that may be involved in getting their children into elite high schools, who really has a choice in this process?

I question the relevance of entrance exams for public high schools. But if an entrance exam really is deemed necessary, it should not carry a cost. And ideally, it should take the form of one central exam as is the practice for some of the English-language private schools and their common exam for Secondary 1 applicants.

A strong, accessible public education system is a public good. Let’s keep it that way.

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