Montreal Gazette

Expect graphic details in trial about child’s death, jury told


Nine years since his six-year-old daughter died from head trauma, Kirk Ainsworth Howell sat in the front row of a Montreal courtroom Monday and listened to prosecutor­s detail how they intend to prove he caused her death.

“This is not fiction, this is reality,” Crown prosecutor MarieClaud­e Bourassa told the jury in Howell’s trial during her opening statement. “It involves the death of a six-year-old girl and it will involve some graphic details.”

Howell, 41, is charged with second-degree murder, failing to provide the necessitie­s of life to a child and manslaught­er. He has pleaded not guilty to the charges.

His daughter, Miriam JeanBaptis­te, died on July 4, 2008, from what the Crown described Monday as a “total lack of oxygen to her brain.”

“How the injury or trauma to her brain was sustained, or what caused it, will be for you as judges to decide,” Bourassa told the seven women and five men of the jury.

On July 1, 2008, Howell placed a call to 911 about his daughter’s health. She was brought by ambulance to the Montreal Children’s Hospital, where she was placed in its pediatric intensive care unit until her death days later.

Called to testify Monday, Miriam’s mother, Gaelle Jean-Baptiste, 32, appeared calm and unwavering while describing the couple’s difficult relationsh­ip.

She met Howell when she was 13, she said, and gave birth to Miriam when she was 17. They had two more children afterward before separating in 2007. At the time of Miriam’s death, the children were staying with Howell at his Lachine apartment.

When asked about seeing Miriam at the hospital before her death, Jean-Baptiste broke down.

“When I got into the room, she was …” she said, dropping her head and taking a long breath.

“She was hooked up to all these machines,” she continued through tears. “I went up to her. I held her in my arms and told her everything was going to be OK. Because I thought everything was going to be OK. I didn’t know what happened.”

After being questioned at length about pending charges against her during cross-examinatio­n, JeanBaptis­te, frustrated, eventually said she didn’t want to testify during the trial in the first place.

“Since 2008, since my relationsh­ip with Mr. Howell, it’s been a roller-coaster for me,” she said. “The death of my daughter made me realize that I wasn’t a mother. And this case in 2017 would just remind me of how I didn’t do my job as a mom.”

Distraught, she then left the room sobbing heavily, followed out by people who had come to support her during her testimony. Howell wiped tears from his face and clutched tissue papers in his hand.

The trial is expected to last five weeks at the Montreal courthouse.

“Matters of the brain and medical findings are very complex issues,” Bourassa had told jurors earlier. “Hopefully, the evidence will be displayed to you in a straightfo­rward, clear and understand­able way. And we submit that the whole of the evidence will convince you beyond a reasonable doubt that Mr. Howell is the person responsibl­e for her death.”

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Kirk Ainsworth Howell

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