Montreal Gazette

Chelsea Manning barred from entering Canada

Was turned back from Quebec border crossing


• When she walked out of an American military prison last May after her espionage sentence was commuted, it felt to Chelsea Manning like she was entering a “dystopian novel,” she said recently.

She had seen U.S. President Donald Trump label her an “ungrateful TRAITOR” on Twitter. Harvard University this month rescinded an invitation to be a visiting fellow after the director of the Central Intelligen­ce Agency protested.

And on Monday, Manning added Canadian immigratio­n authoritie­s to her list of state players who have it in for her.

“So I guess Canada has permanentl­y banned me?” she wrote on Twitter, “denied entry b/c of conviction­s similar to ‘treason’ offense.”

The social media message was accompanie­d by a photograph of a report to the Canadian Minister of Immigratio­n, Refugees and Citizenshi­p detailing how Manning, 29, was turned back at a Quebec border crossing last week because of “serious criminalit­y.”

The document says Manning sought to enter Canada as a temporary visitor at the St-Bernard-de-Lacolle crossing on Sept. 22. She informed border agents of her 2013 conviction under the United States Espionage Act for leaking classified documents.

“If committed in Canada, this offence would equate to an indictable offence, namely Treason,” the report says. In Canada, treason carries a maximum sentence of 14 years. Canada’s Immigratio­n and Refugee Protection Act declares inadmissib­le any foreign national convicted of a crime that if committed in Canada would be punishable by a maximum sentence of 10 years or more.

For Manning, the claim that her crimes amounted to treason did not sit well. She wrote on Twitter that the crime cited by Canadian authoritie­s is “not similar at all” to what she was convicted of.

The former U.S. Army intelligen­ce analyst, who at the time was named Bradley Manning, was found to have leaked hundreds of thousands of military and diplomatic documents to WikiLeaks. Manning was found guilty of six counts of violating the Espionage Act but was acquitted on the more serious charge of aiding the enemy.

The definition of treason in Canada’s Criminal Code that most closely matches Manning’s actions is making available “to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific informatio­n or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicia­l to the safety or defence of Canada.”

Manning had her 35-year sentence commuted by Barack Obama in the final days of his presidency. She had served seven years since her arrest, and twice tried to kill herself in 2016. “Chelsea Manning has served a tough prison sentence,” Obama said. “She took responsibi­lity for her crime.”

The documents she copied and released to WikiLeaks revealed abuses of detainees by Iraqi military officers and suggested that civilian deaths in the Iraq war were higher than officially reported.

Critics said her actions had endangered the lives of intelligen­ce sources, although in the end there was no evidence that any lives were lost as a result of the leaks.

At a Sept. 17 event in Nantucket, Mass., Manning denied that she is the “American traitor” that her critics paint her as. “I believe I did the best I could in my circumstan­ces to make an ethical decision,” she told the crowd, the Associated Press reported.

Manning, who could not be reached for additional comment Monday, wrote on Twitter that she has requested a hearing to challenge her denial of entry. No date has been set for the hearing.

Public Safety Minister Ralph Goodale said he was not consulted about Manning’s case, and he would be reluctant to intervene, the Canadian Press reported.

“When a Canada Border Services officer has exercised appropriat­ely within their jurisdicti­on the judgment that they are called upon to make, I don’t interfere in that process in any kind of a light or cavalier manner,” he said.

The Canada Border Services Agency said it could not confirm or deny that Manning was turned back. “The fair and consistent applicatio­n of the law is the CBSA’s top priority,” spokesman Barre Campbell said.

Admissibil­ity is decided “on a case-by-case basis” and can involve such factors as “involvemen­t in criminal activity, human rights violations, and organized crime, or security, health or financial considerat­ions,” he said.


 ?? STEVEN SENNE / THE CANADIAN PRESS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Chelsea Manning, a former U.S. soldier who leaked classified military documents, says her crimes are “not similar” to treason, as cited by Canadian authoritie­s.
STEVEN SENNE / THE CANADIAN PRESS / THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Chelsea Manning, a former U.S. soldier who leaked classified military documents, says her crimes are “not similar” to treason, as cited by Canadian authoritie­s.

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