Montreal Gazette

Wife remains haunted by husband’s infideliti­es

- Send your questions for Annie Lane to To find out more about Annie Lane and read features by other Creators Syndicate columnists and cartoonist­s, visit the Creators Syndicate website at ANNIE LANE

Dear Annie: I have been married for seven years. My husband has had not one but several affairs. And he didn’t just have affairs; he had two kids born six weeks apart from two different women. I love my husband and am helping him raise these children, who are now 2 years old. I keep telling myself the kids are innocent and it’s not their fault they’re the products of affairs, and I want to help them. I still feel he’s messing around. Even if he’s not, the fear will always be in my mind. I don’t know whether it’s just my not wanting to be alone or I do actually love him this much. I am really confused and can’t help but wonder whether this man loves me as I love him. Is he using me because I’m older and settled? — Lost and Confused

Dear Lost and Confused: There’s so much to unpack from your letter, and there’s hardly space here to begin. I don’t know whether your husband is using you or whether he’ll cheat again. But I know you’re unhappy in this relationsh­ip, and something needs to change. That might mean leaving him and building a healthy sense of independen­ce; it might mean staying together and learning to put the infidelity behind you. Either way, you will find the necessary tools in therapy.

Dear Annie: You recently published a letter from Tortured in New York, a woman who is “uncomforta­ble” with opposite-sex nurses. You supported her desire to have only female nurses and said the hospital should have honoured her request immediatel­y when she protested a male nurse’s caring for her.

What would you say, then, if a man requested that only male nurses examine him and help him in a clinical setting? Would you agree with him that his request should be honoured immediatel­y?

Honestly, I am a man who would always prefer that only male medical profession­als see me naked, but I don’t expect that because it would be sexist for me to demand such. But when I have a colonoscop­y every five years, for example, I’d prefer a male nurse dress me afterward. So far, it’s always been a female nurse. I’m embarrasse­d when I come completely conscious and see her. — A Shy Man in Texas

Dear Shy Man: To clarify, I did not tell Tortured in New York that she had a right to a female nurse or that the hospital should have honoured her request immediatel­y. I only told her she could make such a request and the staff members would most likely do what they could to accommodat­e her. Since the letter ran, I’ve received feedback from medical profession­als affirming that position. Though there’s no guarantee you’ll get a male nurse if you request one, it doesn’t hurt to ask. Just be sure to do so well in advance, preferably when making your appointmen­t.

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