Montreal Gazette

Conduct at Legion post insults organizati­on’s motto

- Annie Lane

Dear Annie: I have witnessed a change in a local American Legion Post over the past several years. Originally, these posts were establishe­d by veterans and run by elected veteran officers and veteran executive board members. These posts were founded with bylaws and rules supporting the motto, “For God and Country.”

At my local post, the commander backstabs his officers. Officers are drunk at some meetings, yet this is allowed by the commander, who should be observing and enforcing a code of conduct. Minutes that prove that items were voted on are suddenly lost or misplaced. Married officers are having sexual affairs with the hired staff. There is stealing of items that belong to the post. Bartenders drink while on duty. Pay increases to certain staff members are given without the board’s approval. Nonmembers come in and do what they want.

When one member makes comments to re-establish what the post stands for and who should be making decisions on everything that is going on, he is critiqued for it and often chastised. Is this what “For God and Country” stands for? — Concerned Legionnair­e’s Wife Dear Concerned Legionnair­e’s Wife: Even the most virtuous motto falls flat without good men and women behind it. It’s time for your husband and any other upstanding members to take action. He can contact the American Legion’s internal affairs department at 317-630-1330 for guidance.

Dear Annie: I have been a special-education teacher for over 20 years. The reason I am writing is I believe that parents have difficulty with giving gifts at the holidays and the end of the year. Certainly, any gift is very much appreciate­d, but in the special education world, parents can be overwhelme­d by the number of people involved in educating their children. I also know that raising a child who has special needs is expensive, and I see parents spend so much more than necessary. I just wanted to offer a few suggestion­s.

Gift cards for coffee, a basket of snacks to be used on a staff developmen­t day (or just a tough day!), a jar of miniature chocolates, homemade sweets that can be shared — any of these would do. You could also contact a couple of other parents and purchase a gift card together to buy lunch. I always enjoy homemade ornaments or magnets. Even a card with a note to say how much someone’s hard work has meant to your child’s developmen­t is a treasure. There is no need to break the bank to make someone feel special. — Anonymous

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