Montreal Gazette


The unsexy, but effective, path to better nutrition


When it comes to nutrition, moderation simply isn’t sexy. What grabs our attention and our clicks are headlines like “The poison lurking in your kitchen,” as if we’re one bite away from death, and “Why you must eat this exotic superfood,” as if we’re one bite away from a miracle.

These alluring-but-false promises distract us from a more moderate, and ultimately more successful, path to better health. A balanced eating plan that offers both nutrition and pleasure can help you be your best while actually allowing you to enjoy your food — no extremism required. What’s sexier — or saner — than that?

It was interestin­g to see the reaction to the September publicatio­n of two research papers that reinforced the wisdom of moderation. The PURE (Prospectiv­e Urban Rural Epidemiolo­gy) study looked at the habits and health of 135,000 people in 18 countries. Researcher­s found that the healthiest individual­s ate diets rich in fruits, vegetables and beans, while being low in refined carbohydra­tes and sugar. Other than the surprising finding that the health benefits of vegetables topped out at three to four servings daily, all of this is in line with a diet as defined by the U.S. Dietary Guidelines.

Headlines about the research painted a different picture, stating that the study “casts doubt” on the convention­al wisdom about fats, carbs, fruits and vegetables and that it was “shaking up” the field of nutrition. Even the accompanyi­ng commentary that ran in the Lancet, the journal that published the findings, said “PURE study challenges the definition of a healthy diet.”

Trouble is, when you look at the current definition of a healthy diet, it pretty much matches the PURE findings. The researcher­s did find that high-carbohydra­te diets were associated with a 28 per cent higher risk of dying during the study. But we’re talking 77 per cent carbs, which has never been part of the definition of a healthy diet, in part because it leaves little room for protein and healthy fats. Speaking of fat, the PURE results suggest that total fat intake of about 35 per cent of calories isn’t associated with risk of heart attack or death due to cardiovasc­ular disease, but expert consensus for many years has been that low-fat diets aren’t the way to go.

Looking at the PURE data, it appears that a diet of about 45 per cent carbohydra­tes, 35 per cent total fat and 20 per cent protein is associated with the lowest risk of dying prematurel­y. The study’s principal investigat­or, Salim Yusuf, even said that “moderation in most aspects of diet is to be preferred, as opposed to very low or very high intakes of most nutrients.” So, other than the lure of new and shiny promises, what keeps us from the path of moderation? These are some common obstacles:


Unless you are mindful and aware of what and how much you are eating — and many people aren’t — it’s easy to think you’re eating moderately when you’re not. For example, you may say, “I have dessert only a few nights a week,” but forget that you grab a cookie, cupcake or doughnut every time someone brings a box into work. Keeping a food journal for a few weeks to gain an objective look at your eating patterns can be illuminati­ng.


Cultivatin­g healthy lifestyle habits like good nutrition and regular physical activity takes consistent effort, especially if you have some deeply entrenched, less-thanhealth­y habits. It’s frustratin­g when you feel as if you’re putting in the effort but not seeing im- mediate payoff. Start thinking of nutrition and health as a lifelong journey — with occasional detours and temporary roadblocks — rather than a race to the finish line.


Feeling that anything short of perfection represents failure and isn’t worth doing can also block progress while you drive yourself nuts in the pursuit of the perfect diet. Perfection is the enemy of progress. Start small, start today and keep moving forward. You can’t go wrong with consistent­ly eating more vegetables, cutting your sugar intake and reducing distractio­ns while you eat.


Moderate eaters eat in a way that suits their lifestyle and supports health, and don’t jump on each dietary bandwagon. They pay attention to nutrition news but are fairly immune to sensationa­l claims. They know that no particular way of eating is right for all people all the time. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing you’ve always done and expecting different results. If you have a long history of adopting, then ditching, the latest diet fad without seeing any lasting improvemen­ts to health or wellbeing, why would you try it again?


Eating healthfull­y is about more than the food you put on your fork. How you think and feel about your eating habits can be as important as the food itself. When food or the act of eating goes hand in hand with stress or guilt or fear, it’s not good for your body or your mind. It’s one of the factors that drives people to extremes — either restrictio­n or excess, but often both — with their eating.

 ?? GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O ?? How you feel about your eating habits can be as important as the food itself.
GETTY IMAGES/ISTOCKPHOT­O How you feel about your eating habits can be as important as the food itself.

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