Montreal Gazette

Former councillor creates associatio­n to support ex-municipal politician­s


Thursday will be a celebrator­y time for the victorious candidates of this fall’s Montreal municipal election when they attend their swearing-in ceremony at Marché Bonsecours.

However, the losing candidates — specifical­ly, the 42 of the 103 members of Montreal’s city and borough councils who were ousted in the Nov. 5 election after as little as one term and as many as six consecutiv­e terms — now have an associatio­n to turn to for support.

Former city councillor Helen Fotopulos, who was defeated in 2013, formed the Associatio­n québécoise des anciennes élues et anciens élus municipaux this year, a club of exes from municipal councils around Quebec. One of the missions she says she had in mind when the idea for the organizati­on began percolatin­g about 18 months ago was to help colleagues deal with the transition from public to private life.

“When I was defeated, I was like, ‘Wow, I spent 25 years in city hall. Now what do I do?’ ” Fotopulos said. “You go through a mourning period that’s just like any other mourning period. At times, you just sort of burst out crying and say, ‘How could this happen?’ ”

The grieving period lasts about two years, she said, even though she quickly immersed herself after her election loss in work for foundation­s and as an internatio­nal observer of elections in Eastern Europe.

“When you retire from teaching or from nursing or from journalism, even if you get fired, you have your associatio­n,” Fotopulos said.

And while there are associatio­ns for former members of Parliament and the National Assembly, she said she found no such group at the municipal level.

Montreal city hall doesn’t even keep a contact list of ex-councillor­s to invite to ceremonies, Fotopulos said. “Exes could be ambassador­s of sorts,” she said.

They could also offer mentoring to newly elected politician­s, and speak at elementary and high schools and CEGEPs about the value of public service, she added.

Fotopulos is the founding president of the associatio­n, while its vice-president is Winnie Frohn, a former Quebec City councillor who went on to teach in the urban and tourism studies department of the Université du Québec à Montréal.

The associatio­n has held a few meetings around Quebec with the support of the Union des municipali­tés du Québec, Fotopulos said. A founding assembly is planned for February.

The associatio­n is seeking excouncill­ors who have been out of politics for a while, she added.

“The feelings fade with time, and there’s no animosity or partisansh­ip. There’s a certain camaraderi­e in the ‘afterlife.’ ”

 ?? ALLEN McINNIS FILES ?? Helen Fotopulos is helping former municipal politician­s make the transition to private life after their time in local politics.
ALLEN McINNIS FILES Helen Fotopulos is helping former municipal politician­s make the transition to private life after their time in local politics.

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