Montreal Gazette

Financing of oilsands pipelines must stop

Planet’s welfare and rights of Indigenous peoples are at stake, Ghislain Picard and Serge Simon say.

- Ghislain Picard is regional chief of the Assembly of First Nations Quebec-Labrador (AFNQL) and Serge Simon is Grand Chief of the Mohawk Council of Kanesatake.

While leaders meet in Bonn, Germany, this week to discuss the Paris climate agreement, and while 15,000 scientists from around the world took advantage of the occasion to issue a desperate warning about humanity’s very survival, banks around the world, and even Desjardins, continue to finance the dirtiest oil in the world — the oilsands in Alberta — over the objections of Indigenous peoples.

That’s why the chiefs of the First Nations of Quebec and Labrador passed a resolution on Oct. 31 demanding that Desjardins respect the rights of Indigenous peoples by ending the financial support that Desjardins has given to the three oilsands pipeline projects still remaining following the demise of TransCanad­a’s Energy East project: Kinder Morgan’s Trans Mountain Expansion in British Columbia, TransCanad­a’s Keystone XL in the United States, and Enbridge’s Line 3, from Alberta to Wisconsin. Each of the pipelines is being resisted by Indigenous peoples and allies all along the proposed routes.

This resolution follows a meeting held in September between Desjardins executives and representa­tives, including the undersigne­d, of the alliance of 150 First Nations in Canada and Tribes in the United States who signed the Treaty Alliance Against Tar Sands Expansion in opposition to all of the oilsands pipelines. Since the signing of the treaty in 2016, the movement against oilsands expansion has been instrument­al in putting a stop to two pipeline projects: Energy East (from Alberta via Quebec to New Brunswick) and Enbridge’s Northern Gateway (across northern British Columbia).

The oilsands industry is already responsibl­e for close to half of the total rise in greenhouse­gas emissions in Canada since 1990 and for producing one trillion (!) litres of toxic sludge waste leaking out of unlined and unstable enormous

The call for Desjardins to divest is part of a global divestment campaign.

raised reservoirs (or “tailings ponds”) that the industry has no idea how to clean up. Yet the industry still seeks to expand production by some 50 per cent, including the $20-billion open-pit Frontier Project by Teck Resources being resisted by Indigenous peoples trying to safeguard what’s left of their territory.

The good news is that without new pipeline capacity, there cannot be any significan­t increase in oilsands production. That’s why the industry wants these new pipelines. And that’s why the abandonmen­t of Energy East does not mean that the battle is won — far from it.

The call for Desjardins to divest is part of a global divestment campaign led by Indigenous peoples called Mazaska Talks (“Mazaska” is the Lakota word for “Money”), which targets the financial institutio­ns funding the remaining three oilsands pipelines.

A financial institutio­n cannot claim to be in any way “green” or respect the rights of First Nations while continuing to finance oilsands pipelines. In particular, a co-operative financial group such as Desjardins, the largest in Quebec, which claims to be sensitive to social and environmen­tal issues, should not be associated with such projects.

Desjardins will soon announce what further steps it will take following the temporary moratorium it instituted this summer on financing and investing in pipelines. A moratorium for future projects is unquestion­ably a step in the right direction. However, in order to respect the rights of First Nations and their opposition to these pipelines, Desjardins must go further. Desjardins must dump the hundreds of millions of dollars in loans it has granted to oilsands pipeline companies TransCanad­a, Kinder Morgan and Enbridge, including the $145-million loan granted to Kinder Morgan for its Trans Mountain Expansion pipeline project not long before the announceme­nt of the moratorium.

These pipeline companies and the financial institutio­ns behind them are at war with Indigenous peoples and the planet. At this critical juncture in human history, First Nations chiefs in Quebec and Labrador are urging Desjardins to switch sides.

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