Montreal Gazette

All city workers deserve a living wage

Valérie Plante should lead by example and keep promise, Cathy Inouye says.


Montreal is a city to be proud of and is unique in many ways in Quebec. Unfortunat­ely, one way in which we stand out is our very high poverty rate. One in seven Montrealer­s lives in poverty, by far the highest rate of any region in Quebec, save the north, and almost double the poverty rate of the other poverty prone regions: Outaouais, Gaspésie and the Côte-Nord.

Local solutions exist and are within the power of the newly elected city council: facilitati­ng the constructi­on of social housing, encouragin­g lower public transit fares for people on low income and committing to paying all city workers and sub-contractor­s a living wage.

The latest statistics we have show that even during a period of economic growth in the mid-2000s, the number of poor workers in Montreal grew by 21 per cent.

As the number of people on welfare decreases, the working poor are making up an increasing percentage of people living in poverty. At the current minimum wage of $11.25 an hour, a person would have to work 28 hours a week, 52 weeks a year, to breach the basic survival index of the Market Basket measure, even after including such government benefits as the Quebec Work Premium, Solidarity Tax Credit, GST Rebate, and the Federal Working Income Tax Benefit. In order to escape poverty, this same person would have to put in 47 hours a week for a full year. This situation is clearly unacceptab­le and untenable.

Jurisdicti­ons across the continent, such as Alberta, British Columbia, Ontario, California, New York City and Seattle, have heeded the call to increase the minimum wage to $15 an hour. Canadian cities do not have the power to implement a minimum wage on their territory, but they can lead the way by insisting that all their direct and sub-contracted employees are paid a living wage.

Vancouver became a Living Wage Employer on May 1, and now all new contracts signed with the city must demonstrat­e that employees will be paid the living wage for Vancouver of at least $20.62 an hour.

Valérie Plante must make good on her election promise to ensure that Montreal follows this example, and make sure that all sub-contractor­s and direct employees are paid at least $15 an hour.

Frequently, business associatio­ns resist calls to increase the minimum wage to a living wage, citing fears that they have to lay off employees.

Meta-analysis of the effect of previous minimum wage increases on employment and prices seem to put these concerns to rest. When the minimum wage is increased, workers have more money to spend and they usually spend that money locally. They also usually stay at the job longer, reducing turnover. The overall effect on both employment and prices are negligible and the benefits to the local economy are great.

However, it is not the economic considerat­ion that is the most compelling to us. The ability to house, clothe, and feed oneself in dignity is a human right.

Our society supposedly values work, yet the fact is that more than 100,000 Montrealer­s cannot escape poverty despite working difficult and often dangerous jobs.

It is a shame that even the City of Montreal pays people, especially in its Parks and Recreation Department and through sub-contractin­g, less than $15 an hour. This tells us a lot about how much the city values these people and the work that they do.

We live in an amazing culturally rich and diverse city. The elected officials that represent this city should stand up for the rights of all the people who live here. They should insist that the Quebec government make the minimum wage a living wage. And they should lead by example and pay their employees at least $15 an hour.

The ability to house, clothe, and feed oneself in dignity is a human right.

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