Montreal Gazette


Risky business: Talisman Theatre adapts Côté’s blackly comic Québécois movie


Denis Côté’s excellent Québécois film Vic and Flo Saw a Bear gets the stage treatment as a guest production at Centaur this week, courtesy of Talisman Theatre and playwright/director/filmmaker Michael Mackenzie.

Staging a version of a francophon­e Quebec movie is a departure for Talisman, though they’re not entirely in unfamiliar territory: the company’s mandate is to produce Anglo versions of French-language Québécois plays.

Audience members insisting on an ultra-faithful reproducti­on of Côté’s carefully worked out cinema esthetics will have to do their own squinting to pan left to right, move in for close-ups, fade in and out, etc. Meanwhile, Mackenzie, who is mostly known for The Baroness and the Pig, and who adapted the sharp French comedy What’s in a Name? for the Segal last summer, has been busy looking at ways to transform the material from film to theatrical language.

“I liked the idea of the risks involved,” Mackenzie said in a phone conversati­on with the Montreal Gazette. “It’s not a slam-dunk project. The question of how you put this on the stage is a very tough one, especially given Denis’s esthetics. He has a very specific indie style. A direct reproducti­on of it on stage would, I think, fall flat. We’ve talked a lot about how the film’s sense of pace and atmosphere can be done, for instance, through silence and soundscape — we have a really terrific sound guy in Peter Cerone.”

Côté’s 2013 film is a genredefyi­ng black comedy and extremely harrowing revenge tragedy about two women who, having been lovers in prison, set up home in a tiny rural Quebec town. There are lots of quirky but crucial incidental­s, most memorably, perhaps, some surreal scenes of a little boy in a Scout’s uniform playing a trumpet.

Mackenzie has stripped back Côté’s populous cast of characters to a quartet, with Julie Tamiko Manning and Natalie Liconti playing Vic and Flo respective­ly, Alexandre Lavigne playing Vic’s sympatheti­c parole officer and the marvellous Leslie Baker (fresh from her META winning success with F--- You! You F---ing Perv!) as a terrifying face from Flo’s past.

As Mackenzie explains: “We don’t have the kid with a trumpet, but he’s definitely a presence. There is a strategy for doing that. He’s very important to the story in that he bookends it, and he’s a reflection of Denis’s use of magic realism.”

Those familiar with Mackenzie’s work, including his Greek tragedy-style financial-meltdown drama Instructio­ns to Any Future Socialist Government Wishing to Abolish Christmas (it played at Centaur in 2011), will know that he’s definitely up for a challenge. Which is why he seemed the perfect fit for the project, the brainchild of Talisman’s artistic director, Lyne Paquette.

“One of the things I’m really drawn to is the democratiz­ation of theatre, giving people who are on the edge a voice,” Mackenzie explains. “To give an analogy in Greek tragedy, if you look at Medea by Euripides, which is one of the absolute standards now, when it was first produced in about 430 BC, it was completely scorned for having a female protagonis­t who was also a foreigner and a barbarian. And with Vic and Flo, you’ve got these two women ex-cons living out in the countrysid­e, and something about the way their lives become both epic and normal and no longer marginaliz­ed makes it really interestin­g.”

Mackenzie also recalls a childhood memory (he grew up in a working-class area just outside London before moving to Montreal) of seeing a Harold Pinter play on the BBC.

“Watching a play that was very much about the people I knew and who lived around me was jaw-dropping and kind of liberating,” he says. “That’s the kind of democratiz­ation that I’m always drawn to in the theatre.”


Côté, whose films also include Curling, Bestiaire and Boris sans Béatrice, is away doing the internatio­nal film festival circuit, but found time to email replies to questions posed by the Montreal Gazette.

Q How did the Vic and Flo story come about?

A It was a period in my career where I was afraid to write good, meaningful dialogue, especially for female characters. I interviewe­d a parole officer who helped me with the psychology of women behind bars. I wanted to start the film on a rather social realistic note and slowly twist it toward something grotesque; a vengeance film. Bending and playing with the genres was the main focus, along with making sure the feminine portraits made sense.

Q Did the idea of a male director creating a love story about two women give you pause, and have there been any negative reactions?

A I created that film thinking I was telling the story of two

human beings struggling for love. That’s all. The parole officer told me that many women in jail are not lesbians and that I shouldn’t make an explicitly queer film. It’s more subtle than that. In jail, women create “security couples.” She told me that it makes total sense for Vic to want to stay with Flo after jail time, and for Flo to look for the company of men.

Right after the world première in Berlin, I heard some comments about this straight male making a film about lesbians, but I wouldn’t say there was confrontat­ion. Michael Mackenzie will tell you if he hears something about that (with the stage version).

Q Does it worry you that what makes your film so special might be lost in the transition, or are you looking forward to seeing how Talisman meets that challenge?

A I am not a theatre person. I’m into film language, visual grammar, editing, the problemati­cs of space and movement, sound design and narrative propositio­ns. Theatre must also experiment with those aspects, but I find it less satisfying.

In the end, I’m not worried. I know that Michael is really interested in the notion of silence on stage, and that makes me very curious. Either the artist fails or he succeeds. All that’s left is “Based on Denis Côté’s work,” and it’s OK. We never attack Brahms if the orchestra is bad.

The first major announceme­nt

for the 2018 Festival Trans-Amériques lineup has just been released, and it’s a doozy. Kings of War is a radical interpreta­tion of Shakespear­e’s War of the Roses cycle directed by Ivo van Hove, one of the most significan­t figures in modern theatre. Van Hove’s Shakespear­ean Roman Tragedies played at FTA eight years ago, but more recently, Montreal audiences had the chance to catch his work in National Theatre Live screenings of A View From the Bridge and his adaptation of the Luchino Visconti film Ossessione. Kings of War will play at Théâtre Denise Pelletier from May 24 to 27. For more informatio­n, visit

The aforementi­oned Arthur Miller play, incidental­ly, is presented at Théâtre du Nouveau Monde through Dec. 9, as Vu du pont.

 ?? DAVE SIDAWAY ?? “I liked the idea of the risks involved,” says Michael Mackenzie, who directs Talisman Theatre’s version of Vic and Flo Saw a Bear. “The question of how you put this on the stage is a very tough one.”
DAVE SIDAWAY “I liked the idea of the risks involved,” says Michael Mackenzie, who directs Talisman Theatre’s version of Vic and Flo Saw a Bear. “The question of how you put this on the stage is a very tough one.”
 ?? FUNFILM DISTRIBUTI­ON ?? Romane Bohringer, left, and Pierrette Robitaille starred in the 2013 movie Vic and Flo Saw a Bear. “We’ve talked a lot about how the film’s sense of pace and atmosphere can be done ... through silence and soundscape,” says stage director Michael...
FUNFILM DISTRIBUTI­ON Romane Bohringer, left, and Pierrette Robitaille starred in the 2013 movie Vic and Flo Saw a Bear. “We’ve talked a lot about how the film’s sense of pace and atmosphere can be done ... through silence and soundscape,” says stage director Michael...
 ??  ??

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