Montreal Gazette



Birthday Gal: Actress Meg Ryan was born in Fairfield, Conn., on this date in 1961. This birthday gal was the star of such hit movies as “You’ve Got Mail,” “Sleepless in Seattle,” and “When Harry Met Sally.” Recently, she produced, directed and starred in the drama “Ithaca.” One of Ryan’s earliest roles was playing Betsy Stewart on the soap “As the World Turns.” Meg is the mother of actor Jack Quaid. Aries (March21-April19): You may be tempted to push back if you feel your freedoms have been infringed upon. Avoid making major decisions or purchases as you may be misled by false informatio­n. Taurus(April20-May20): Kind and sympatheti­c people may help you reach long-term goals, but might not be good advisors for finances. The second half of the week ahead will be better than the first half for decision-making and major purchases. Gemini (May21-June20): In the upcoming week, handle extra tasks and responsibi­lities with good grace. With a holiday on the calendar you might be treated like a “go-fer” or end up at someone’s beck and call. Make the best of it. Cancer(June21-July22): You may realize that family connection­s make up the fabric of your life. Despite some irritation­s, you may be made aware that loved ones help you weave all the little details of life into a viable whole. Leo(July23-Aug.22): Patience will prop you up. Take your time about starting something new. Put your powerful business ideas and financial plans on the back burner until mid-week. You are too focused on work to enjoy a social outing. Virgo (Aug.23-Sept.22): The familiar way of doing things may need a revision so that you can continue to thrive and grow in the future. In the week to come, your energy levels may ebb and flow, so you must not take on new duties. Libra (Sept.23-Oct.22): If you push too hard for too long, something might break down. There may be a tendency to put your own wants and needs ahead of those of others. Relax, be considerat­e, and recharge your energies in the week ahead. Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Duck and get out of the way if a ladder is falling. However, as the week unfolds, find ways to integrate your belief system into creative or financiall­y stabilizin­g activities. Sagittariu­s (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): When the outcome of a game is certain, everyone wants to call it quits. Dissatisfa­ction with your routines might disrupt the week ahead. You could be tempted to stir up excitement with someone who is true blue. Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):Family dinners and restful hours are sure to be on your schedule in the week ahead, but you may be restless unless you have something physical to do. Aquarius(Jan.20-Feb.18): Dig in and do it right the first time. Small details that have previously escaped your notice can come to your attention as this week unfolds. Don’t make impulsive purchases, but do focus on things of long-term value. Pisces(Feb.19-March20): Your nerves might be on edge and you may react badly if someone pushes your buttons. Some time on your own might help you retain your equilibriu­m. if November 19 is your birthday: During the next four to eight weeks, you may ride high on a wave of social gatherings and form new friendship­s. In January, you should restrain an impulse to gamble or to take undue risks. Your judgment is not trustworth­y and you can lose momentum through sheer carelessne­ss. The sky is the limit, however, in February and March when your profession­al attitude and business knowledge could garner added recognitio­n. You have a dream and know just how to go about achieving it, so go ahead and change jobs or go public. A new romance may go well, too, and you might even be able to achieve a stable commitment with a special someone. Pass up opportunit­ies that arrive in September and avoid making crucial decisions.

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