Montreal Gazette

‘Times are tough’ for grandmothe­r

Lung problems curb activities


Years of pollutants, from cigarettes to air fresheners, have taken their toll on 56-year-old Nicole.

Now, “I live with the minimum,” said the grandmothe­r, unable to work because of lung problems.

Breathing, she said, is a challenge and such daily activities as washing her hair or doing the dishes drain whatever energy she has.

“It requires a lot of effort,” she said. She used to be completely autonomous, but now she often relies on help from the CLSC. “Doing dishes, washing, cooking, they’re harder to do.

“I need a lot more help than before. I was a very active woman,” she said, noting that she often walked everywhere. “And now I barely move.”


For the last three years, Nicole said, she has been confined to her apartment. And while not having a balcony used to seem unimportan­t, now it means she can’t go outside, she said, with no chance of getting some fresh air.

“I’m stuck in my apartment. I feel isolated, shut in.”

To make things worse, she said the air quality inside isn’t great. Her stucco ceilings trap dust, making it harder to breathe, she said. “Times are tough.”

This winter, Nicole will receive a $125 cheque from the Montreal Gazette Christmas Fund. Every year, thousands of Montrealer­s in need receive a gift from the fund to help them through the holidays.

This money, Nicole said, will help her buy something for her five grandsons, who are between the ages of one and nine. Being able to treat them, Nicole said, is a treat for her.

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