Montreal Gazette


Reduced staffing, missing patient details and a suddenly aggressive patient turned an overnight shift in the Montreal General’s psychiatri­c ER into a nearly fatal encounter. Aaron Derfel pieces together a dramatic account of how it all happened.


The following account contains graphic subject matter that some readers may find disturbing.

It is based on incident reports written by: the nurse who describes being almost strangled in the psychiatri­c emergency room of the Montreal General Hospital last Sept. 2; the female orderly who came to her defence and who herself was assaulted; and the head nurse in charge of the ER that night. The Montreal Gazette also interviewe­d the orderly who was assaulted. Their names have been changed to protect their identities.

It was around 3:35 a.m. on a Saturday, Labour Day weekend. The Montreal General’s chaotic ER, which has saved the lives of victims from all three of the city’s mass shootings since 1989, as well as car-crash victims and those shot in the chest in street-gang brawls, was mostly silent that night.

Since 2015, the hospital that overlooks downtown has also been home to an emergency psychiatri­c department. And so it was in the middle of the night on Sept. 2 that Lenore Cassidy, the doting mom of two boys and an animal lover, was sitting in its locked nursing station when a patient knocked on the door.

The nurse recognized the patient, a young, slightly pudgy man who had not acted out all night long. In fact, he was quite subdued and had a vacant look in his eyes. Moments earlier, he had shuffled to the bathroom, returned to his room, but for some reason he stepped out again and headed to the nursing station.

Despite the unpredicta­ble environmen­t of the psychiatri­c ER, the human resources department had deemed that in the current fiscal context, an overnight security guard was not necessary. What’s more, Cassidy was the sole nurse assigned to the psychiatri­c ER for most of that night; normally, there should be two.

Cassidy was not alone in the nursing quarters, though. Yolande Proulx, an orderly, was back on duty after a short break, sitting behind the counter. She focused her attention on some TV screens showing live images from the security

cameras throughout the ER.

From the corner of her eye, the orderly glimpsed Cassidy getting up to speak to the patient. It appeared that he might have been asking for a glass of water. Yet the instant Cassidy opened the door ever so slightly, he forced it wide open, lunging at the nurse.

He clamped his hands around Cassidy’s neck, choking her in an iron grip. Cassidy gasped for air, her eyes bulging in fear. Her hair, which had been done up in a ponytail, tumbled loose across her face.

Startled by the commotion, Proulx jumped from her seat and rushed to Cassidy’s side. She tried in vain to pry his hands from her colleague’s neck.

“Get off her! Get off her!” Proulx shouted at the man.

He shot her an angry look, apparently irritated that Proulx was intervenin­g.

The orderly switched tactics, pushing him away from Cassidy. He retaliated by grabbing Proulx’s mouth and scratching her face. He leaned in to bite her, too, but she swerved away, though he did manage to strike her in the stomach.

Meanwhile Cassidy — desperate to stay alive — poked the patient in the eyes with her right hand. Infuriated, he bit Cassidy’s right thumb.

The psychiatri­c ER is located to the right of the main entrance at the Montreal General, separated by a wide corridor from the rest of the emergency department. Its thick metal doors are locked at all times. And so amid the frantic struggle of the two women fending off a deranged patient, no one in the rest of the hospital could hear their screams.

Even though the patient was not a large man, in his rage he was too strong for the two women. But they did succeed in throwing him off balance and they all fell hard to the floor.

The patient was still choking Cassidy. The orderly hoped to catch one of his hands to loosen his grip but she couldn’t see anything because Cassidy’s hair was flying about, blocking her view of his hands.

That’s when Proulx spied the panic button underneath the counter and pressed it. She was unsure whether it would actually work, because nurses had been complainin­g that the panic buttons sometimes malfunctio­ned.

Were it not for another ER orderly who just happened to be strolling by on his break, Cassidy might not have survived. At first, the male orderly thought the two women and the patient were somehow play-acting on the floor, but after a couple of seconds the enormity of the danger dawned on him.

The orderly threw himself on the patient, pinning him to the floor. Cassidy was able to free herself from the chokehold. Finally, with two orderlies on top of him, the patient was immobilize­d.

The head nurse was alerted with a phone call.

“We need help! We need help!” The head nurse asked where. “In psychiatry.”

When the head nurse showed up, she saw Cassidy crying and trembling.

Cassidy was shouting into the phone: “Code White STAT, Code White STAT,” the term that’s used to declare a grave disturbanc­e caused by a patient, activating a response by a team of six profession­als, including security guards.

Through her tears, Cassidy explained to the head nurse what had happened to her. The head nurse could see deep red welts around her neck.

The head nurse called 911. The staff kept the patient sprawled on his back on the floor until the police arrived. He was then taken to the trauma room, where the staff restrained him in six points — one restraint more than the maximum — strapping his legs, hands, waist and shoulders to a bed. An ER doctor gave him a dose of Haldol, an anti-psychotic medication, as well as Ativan, an anti-anxiety drug.

The patient’s face grew pale. His vacant, glassy stare returned. The head nurse let him cool off before asking a question.

“Do you understand what has just happened?”

For the first time since the attack, the patient spoke. He grimaced, his face now full of hate.

“You, what would you have done with the terrorists?” he answered.

The staff would later learn that the patient was admitted to the psychiatri­c ER in a dazed state, suffering from a form of amnesia, not knowing his Montreal address. And then there was a more shocking revelation — he had been “brought to the ER due to possible bomb threats at the airport,” according to minutes from a Sept. 12 meeting of the hospital’s Code White monitoring committee.

“He was medically cleared but kept in Psych ER for evaluation of his odd behaviour,” the minutes added, deepening the mystery as to why neither Cassidy nor Proulx were informed of the potential danger the patient posed.

While he was on his way in a taxi to the airport, the man had claimed to the cabbie that he had a bomb, and the driver alerted the police, an ER nurse told the Gazette.

When Cassidy reached home that day, her two boys cringed at the bruises and marks on her face.

Hours after the confrontat­ion, Proulx confided to her friends on Facebook.

“Nurse Cassidy was attacked by the patient in psychiatry,” she wrote. “I tried to help. We both were hurt in the fight.”

“Are you OK?” a friend asked online.

“My jaw hurts a lot now,” Proulx replied. “I am still in a state of shock. But it’s not as bad as (what happened to) Cassidy. He really tried to strangle her.”

Another friend asked on Facebook: “Will both of you be OK?”

“We’re going to be fine,” Proulx responded.

But Proulx wasn’t fine after the emotional trauma of the attack took its toll on her in the days that followed. She started suffering from recurring nightmares.

After all, this was an even closer call than most people realized. Proulx knew that because of budget cuts, she was scheduled to work in the psychiatri­c ER at only 1 a.m. that night instead of from 11:30 p.m., the actual beginning of her shift. So had the altercatio­n occurred at any time from 11:30 to 1 a.m. — while Proulx was tending to patients elsewhere in ambulatory care — Cassidy would have been all alone, totally helpless.

(Montreal General officials dispute this last point, insisting that an orderly, or préposé aux bénéficiai­res, must be in the psychiatri­c ER at all times, but Proulx is adamant that her account is accurate.)

Proulx decided to seek psychiatri­c help. She was put on sick leave and began to take medication for her post-traumatic stress symptoms. By the third week of November, the orderly resumed working on a gradual basis.

For Cassidy, the recovery was much harder. Her co-workers sent her get-well cards, but they worried that she might not come back to the Montreal General, to a hospital where she loved to work and to the nursing job in which she took great pride.

In the first week of November, as part of her therapy, a psychiatri­st accompanie­d Cassidy on a brief tour through the Montreal General ER, during which she spoke to no one.

More than four months later, Cassidy is still on sick leave.

Postscript: This was the second such near-strangulat­ion of a nurse at the Montreal General in a little over a year, according to multiple sources. In the previous incident, a highly agitated patient wrapped a telephone cord around a nurse’s neck in the main ER. There is no official record of that case, however, because overworked nurses often don’t have the time to write formal reports, and that nurse didn’t do so. She no longer works at the Montreal General, or any ER for that matter.

 ?? JOHN MAHONEY ?? Montreal General’s psychiatri­c ER is separated from the main ER by a wide corridor and thick metal doors that are locked at all times. And so amid the frantic struggle of two female staff fending off a deranged patient, no one in the rest of the hospital could hear their screams.
JOHN MAHONEY Montreal General’s psychiatri­c ER is separated from the main ER by a wide corridor and thick metal doors that are locked at all times. And so amid the frantic struggle of two female staff fending off a deranged patient, no one in the rest of the hospital could hear their screams.

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