Montreal Gazette

Aces on bridge

- bobby wolff

“We ought to feel deep cheerfulne­ss that a happy Providence kept it from being any worse.”

— Thomas Hardy

When North raises South’s opening bid of one spade to two, South knows that slam is highly unlikely, but there is bound to be at least decent play for game. So South just bids game in spades, and then must try to make it on the lead of the heart king.

South should expect to lose a heart and a diamond, so must hold his club losers to one. It may look natural to go after diamonds, but that would be a mistake; if the defenders can dislodge the only sure entry to dummy, declarer may not be able to maximize his play in clubs.

South wins the heart ace and draws three rounds of trumps. He must then resist the temptation to exit passively in hearts; again, the defenders might go after declarer’s diamond entry to dummy before declarer is ready for this to happen.

So, South leads a low club toward dummy’s queen, hoping West holds the king. If so, declarer’s queen and ace of clubs will take tricks, and he can trump his last club in dummy if necessary. But East takes dummy’s queen with his king and returns a heart to his partner’s queen, and West now shifts to a diamond to dummy’s queen and East’s ace. East returns a second diamond, and dummy wins with the king.

The time has come to try the second finesse in clubs. Declarer leads a low club from dummy and puts in the 10 from his own hand. When it holds the trick, South can cash the club ace and ruff his last club with dummy’s remaining trump.

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