Montreal Gazette

Quebec hands power, funding to city

$94M to be transferre­d this year


Quebec announced Friday that it is handing all provincial housing powers to Montreal, giving the city autonomy over how to spend hundreds of millions of dollars over the next five years.

The money is used to build social and community housing for low-income households and for people with special needs; renovate housing in rundown areas; and adapt housing for people with disabiliti­es.

For this year, Quebec will transfer $94 million to Montreal. The amount is expected to grow annually over the course of the fiveyear deal, Housing Minister Lise Thériault said.

Under the old system, Montreal would have to request housing funding from the provincial government.

“Montreal will be more autonomous and will have the freedom to decide on projects based on its needs and realities,” said Municipal Affairs Minister Martin Coiteux.

Mayor Valérie Plante said the deal will allow Montreal to move more quickly and will allow her to meet one of her “priority commitment­s” — creating 12,000 social, affordable and family housing units within four years.

“It’s ambitious and now we have the power to do it,” she said.

In a separate announceme­nt, Quebec said it will give Montreal an extra $22 million in 2018 so the city can fund community and affordable housing projects that are stalled due to a lack of cash.

“We have many projects that are authorized but are waiting for the green light,” Plante said, adding the city will review its list of projects before deciding where the extra money will go.

The transfer of housing power and cash is a result of the “metropolis” status Quebec conferred on Montreal at the request of thenmayor Denis Coderre.

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