Montreal Gazette

Never once did an American ... push back against the Canadian content in my book. But constantly Canadians tell me, ‘You know you would sell better if you set yourself in Chicago or San Francisco.’ It’s that classic Canadian inferiorit­y complex.

Award-winning sci-fi writer Robert J. Sawyer finds hope in ‘the Canadian example’


Sci-fi author Robert J. Sawyer,

Does the future belong to Canada?

It does the way Robert J. Sawyer writes it.

The Ottawa native, who now lives in Mississaug­a, has been called the godfather of science fiction in this country. There’s a reason: His books bleed Canadian red and white.

A recent novel was set in Winnipeg and Saskatoon, drawing on everything from a Jets playoff game to the Canadian Museum for Human Rights to the imagined election of Calgary Mayor Naheed Nenshi as Canada’s next prime minister.

Speaking to Postmedia after being named to the Order of Ontario — the latest in what has become a litany of honours for the bestsellin­g author — Sawyer was quick to wave the Maple Leaf, as he discussed the significan­ce of being a sci-fi writer north of the border. It’s simple, really, he says. “I really do think Canada represents the future of the planet.” Sawyer has just finished watching an old episode of the original Star Trek television series, it should probably be noted. “The interestin­g thing about Canada is we are the bridge of the Enterprise, writ large,” he says, a nod to the classic TV show and its alien science officer, Scottish engineer, black communicat­ions officer, Russian ensign and Asian helmsman. “We have always been about inclusion and diversity in this country,” he said. “We’re only (36) million people, but that’s still a statistica­lly relevant sampling to do an experiment to see if people from all cultures, from all faith groups, and lack of faiths as well, all gender orientatio­ns, can come together and collective­ly make something better than the sum of the parts.”

Sawyer doesn’t just talk a good game. He’s made a career of writing it. But surely at some point in the early days, some American exclaimed, “Enough with the Timmies and maple syrup?”

“Never once did an American editor, agent, publisher, book seller, reviewer or reader ever push back against the Canadian content in my book,” Sawyer says. “But constantly Canadians tell me, ‘You know you would sell better if you set yourself in Chicago or San Francisco.’

“It’s that classic Canadian inferiorit­y complex.”

His career to date has validated his approach. He’s won the Hugo and Nebula awards, the industry ’s big prizes. He’s published 23 books, probing such themes as the nature of evil and the existence of divinity, along with the odd alien dinosaur. Before this latest provincial honour, he was already a member of the Order of Canada.

For someone who makes his living looking into the future during these days of global uncertaint­y, Donald Trump’s America, Brexit and more, Sawyer is an unabashed optimist.

But that doesn’t mean he’s without critique of the present, including the state of his beloved science fiction, a term he suggests has been hijacked by blockbuste­rs.

His genre, he says, follows in the tradition of H.G. Wells and Mary Shelley. Fifty years ago, 2001: A Space Odyssey and the original Planet of the Apes starring Charlton Heston were made. These, he says, were works that challenged audiences on everything from political structures to race relations.

Then, less than a decade later, along came George Lucas with a young blond budding Jedi determined to rescue a princess. Star Wars’ commercial success lit the fuse for an explosion of a different kind of sci-fi that was more, in Sawyer’s words, “mindless entertainm­ent for teenage boys.”

The beauty of science fiction, Sawyer says, is that it can, under the metaphor of futuristic societies and alien cultures, play out the real morality questions of our time in a way that strips the debate of its usual knee-jerk politics.

But he acknowledg­es people’s appetites for that kind of challengin­g entertainm­ent seems to be waning.

“Fewer and fewer people are actually engaging with science fiction,” he says.

“We have a culture that is fairly anti-intellectu­al at the moment. It’s an echo chamber culture brought about by social media. It is a polarized culture brought about by politics.”

The popcorn version of sci-fi has fuelled the lingering disrespect for the genre, he argues.

He recently applied for a position at an Ontario college. But the Order of Canada, Order of Ontario Nebula-winning, Hugo-winning, bestsellin­g writer didn’t get a call for an interview. He’s repeatedly failed to get grants.

Today ’s popular science fiction is not all upbeat stuff. Think zombie and post-apocalypti­c tales.

Sawyer says he understand­s where that’s coming from.

“If you look at the last 10 years and just extrapolat­e from that, you would certainly be inclined to say, ‘yeah, you know, the world is going to hell in a handbasket.’”

But he cites the work of fellow Canadian author Steven Pinker as a rebuttal: “By almost every statistica­l measure, the world is a better place today than it was at any previous time in recorded history.

“I’m convinced despite all of this, that Donald Trump will be an aberration. That the Canadian example will be adopted more and more … around the globe, that we will ultimately see not just this century being a prosperous one, but that future is going to be a bright and sunny place.”

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 ?? PETER J. THOMPSON ?? “Fewer and fewer people are actually engaging with science fiction,” says novelist Robert J. Sawyer. “We have a culture that is fairly anti-intellectu­al at the moment.”
PETER J. THOMPSON “Fewer and fewer people are actually engaging with science fiction,” says novelist Robert J. Sawyer. “We have a culture that is fairly anti-intellectu­al at the moment.”
 ??  ?? Sci-fi writer Robert J. Sawyer says movies like the original Planet of the Apes — starring Charlton Heston — challenged audiences.
Sci-fi writer Robert J. Sawyer says movies like the original Planet of the Apes — starring Charlton Heston — challenged audiences.

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