Montreal Gazette

Virtue and Moir asked about love life on Ellen

DeGeneres teases Olympic duo on daytime talk show


Not even Ellen DeGeneres could get Canadian ice dance sensations Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir to say they are more than friends.

Virtue and Moir appeared on the Ellen DeGeneres show Tuesday, and the popular host asked them point-blank what a lot of skating fans have been wondering — “Are you a couple?”

While pictures of the two-time Olympic champions’ steamy routines danced across a large screen, Virtue poured cold water over the suggestion that the on-ice chemistry extended beyond the rink.

“We are not (a couple), but we always say ‘That’s a big compliment,’ ” Virtue said. “What we portray on the ice is really important to us, and we love getting into character and telling a story.

“A lot of the emotions we portray are universal themes that resonate with everyone, so the fact that people feel invested in our partnershi­p is truly remarkable.

“When the music ended (at the Pyeongchan­g Olympics), I just looked at Scott and I was so grateful to have lived the last 20 years by his side and to share in that moment together.”

“So you’re a couple,” DeGeneres said to laughter from the audience — but the skaters weren’t taking the bait.

“If we were, we would announce it here,” Virtue said.

Moir admitted he and Virtue did date as children, to the amusement of their parents.

“But we didn’t talk to each other,” Moir said. “I remember when we were skating, we would just hold hands and avoid eye contact.

“In order to advance our partnershi­p we had to put the hot and heavy relationsh­ip on the side.”

Despite adamantly denying they are an item, Moir and Virtue did do fairly well at a Dating Game segment to test their chemistry.

Moir knew Virtue would want Emma Watson to play her in a movie. Virtue correctly guessed that Moir’s celebrity crush was Reese Witherspoo­n (at least in the film Walk the Line) and that his greatest fear was mascots.

Virtue and Moir won their second career ice dance gold at the 2018 Pyeongchan­g Games in February while also helping Canada claim gold in the team event. The medals made the pair the most decorated Olympic figure skaters of all time.

 ?? PAUL CHIASSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS ?? Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir wowed at the Olympics and were on Ellen DeGeneres’ show Tuesday.
PAUL CHIASSON/THE CANADIAN PRESS Tessa Virtue and Scott Moir wowed at the Olympics and were on Ellen DeGeneres’ show Tuesday.

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