Montreal Gazette



Makes: 12 microphone­s

6 cups (1.5 L) cake

1 cup (250 mL) icing

4 cups (1 L) white candy melts (compound coating chocolate) 12 candy sticks

12 ice cream cones

2 bags (or) 4 cups (1 L) black candy melts (compound coating chocolate)

12, 4-in. (10-cm) pieces black licorice

12, 8-in. (20-cm) pieces black licorice

24 pieces small, flat sprinkles (colour not specific)

4 cups (1 L) silver sprinkles

1. Line two cookie sheets or trays with parchment paper. Set aside.

2. In a medium mixing bowl, crumble up cake into small pieces and add icing. Mix together until uniform dough is formed.

3. Scoop dough into 4-oz (115mL) portions and roll into balls. Set aside on your cookie sheet. Melt 1/4 of your white candy melts gently, stirring often as to not burn the bottom.

4. Dip the end of a stick into the chocolate (about 1 in., or 2.5 cm, of the end) and gently stick into a cake ball. Make sure to push the stick over half way through the ball. The chocolate will hold the stick in place.

5. Continue with the rest until all the cake balls have sticks. Place tray in freezer and allow to freeze. Leave them for a minimum of 1 hour. The longer they can sit in the freezer, the better.

6. Cut the end point of your ice-cream cone off, until you get a hole in the bottom. Gently push the end of the 4-in. (10-cm) licorice piece through the hole, you want the majority of the licorice to hang out the bottom of the cone. Repeat with all of your cones. This will form the “cord” of the microphone.

7. Melt the black candy melts gently, stirring often as to not burn the bottom.

8. Gently dip the cones, one at a time, into the black to cover the cone fully. You can use the licorice as a handle to make it easier. Set aside on the parchment-lined sheet pan.

9. Gently push two flat sprinkles into the sides of the cone, one on top of each other. These will form the “buttons” of the microphone.

10. Let cones fully dry before moving onto the next step.

11. When ready to finish, melt the rest of the white candy melts and place silver sprinkles in a separate bowl. Grab a piece of Styrofoam to keep your cake pops in as they dry and harden.

12. Take cake pops out of the freezer. Dip a cake pop into the white candy melts. Gently spoon over the cake pop so it’s fully covered. Shake it gently over the bowl to remove excess chocolate. Before the chocolate hardens, roll the cake pop in the sprinkles to cover fully. Stick the end of the stick into the Styrofoam so that the cake pop stands up straight and allow to fully dry and harden.

13. Follow with the rest of the cake pops, dipping them in chocolate and sprinkles, and letting them dry.

14. When all of your elements are dry, place the cake-pop stick into the cone and balance the cake pop on top of the cone. You can wrap the larger pieces of licorice around the top of the cone to help balance the cake pop, use a toothpick to keep the licorice in place. Enjoy!

Courtesy of pastry chef Rebecca Rancier, The Lazy Gourmet


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