Montreal Gazette

BOBBY, Fanny


(née Gettel)


On March 22 at day’s end Heaven called back another angel, I lost the most wonderful, loving, caring, and patient mother a daughter could ever be blessed to have. I have always said that I may have been an only child, but never a lonely child as my mother was with me every step of the way. My mother did everything with and for me, she sang to me as a child, skated, painted, and when school started, she helped with homework straight through to university. We laughed, we cried, we were always together; she was my best friend. As a mother, she showered me with celebratio­ns and gifts, but the greatest gift of all was that of her love. The beautiful times together, the wonderful life you gave me is what will give me the courage to get through each and every day. Therefore, you see, what an amazing angel of a mother you are, for even though you are no longer here, you are still finding a way to love and care for me. For this, I am eternally grateful. Until we meet again, I love and miss you.

Her son-in-law Rick has lost his precious ’second mother’ whose wisdom and affection taught him so very much. Predecease­d by her devoted parents, Florence David, and Joseph Gettel, her loving husband of 58 years, Frank, and her brothers Frank and Carl (the late Janet), she will be sorely missed by her loving sister Mary (the late Barney), sister-in-Law Diane, many nieces and nephews, and an extended family of friends and neighbours, including Johanne and Denis, and her ’other’ daughter Maureen. Fanny’s caring and giving nature extended to all those around her, be they family or friends, human or animal. Such was her nature, as a child, as a mother, a wife or a co-worker, Fanny’s irrepressi­ble energy and loving arms embraced us all. She worked 37 years for Macdonald Tobacco, retiring in 1984 as a respected and admired supervisor and co-worker. As one of the pioneers of Camp Ukraina in Notre Dame de la Merci, she and Frank followed in the footsteps of her mother-in-law Anna, and father-in-law Jacob. She carried cement to rebuild the community well, and occasional­ly cooked for the summer kids’ camp, and she still found time to take the younger boys fishing, and to pick blueberrie­s and mushrooms with her daughter and her friends. Her heart and her kitchen were always open, serving pirohi and kugelis to hungry and appreciati­ve young mouths. She and her husband Frank first maintained, restored and finally tore down and re-built the family camp from the ground up without electricit­y until the 60s, when they brought in electricit­y for the camp. When Frank’s health began to diminish, she tended him day and night for decades until his passing in 2004. With all of this, Fanny still had her fun. She loved the Casino, and had the winning knack with the slots, whether doing an overnight stint at the Montreal Casino, or at Akwesasne with her niece and favourite partner, Gail. We will always be grateful for the great times that you shared with her. She loved her cats and could never turn away a hungry, homeless stray from her door.

Angels seem to attract other angels, and we thank so many of those who helped Fanny in these latter years. Special mention goes out to Dr. Louise Fortin for her gentle strength and kindness; Dr. Mark Rabinovitc­h for his expertise over many years, to his assistant Dorothy, who always helped on short notice, and to Janice. A heartfelt and special thank you goes out to Dr. Michel Bracka, who helped grant Fanny’s greatest wish, which was to be at home where she was happiest, surrounded by her loved ones and her cats. He treated her with warmth, humour and genuine affection. His constant care, patience and support go beyond what one could reasonably expect from even the very best of Doctors. For all of this we will be forever grateful.

Visitation will be at Urgel Bourgie, 6700 Beaubien Est on Thursday, April 12 and Friday, April 13 from 2-5 and 7-10. Panachida at 7:00 on both evenings. Funeral to be held at St. Michael’s Ukrainian Catholic Church, 2388 rue d’Iberville, Montreal on Saturday April 14 at 11:00, with a luncheon afterwards. Flowers or a donation may be made to , Le Nichoir, PETA, IFAW, SPCA , MS, Parkinson’s or a charity of your choice.

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