Montreal Gazette

CAQ, PQ downplay poll showing boost in support for Liberals


QUEBEC The leaders of the three opposition parties downplayed polling data released Tuesday showing support for the governing Liberals creeping up as the election approaches.

“I would just say I am happy with the current situation,” said Coalition Avenir Québec Leader François Legault on Wednesday in reference to the fact his party is still leading the pack with the support of 34 per cent of Quebecers.

“I thought things would be closer because I think the election is going to be close. It will be close right up to Oct. 1. It won’t be a pleasant walk in the park.”

Added CAQ house leader François Bonnardel: “Nobody is moping this morning.”

Over at the Parti Québécois, which remains mired in third place behind the CAQ and Liberals (PQ support is pegged at 21 per cent), leader Jean-François Lisée was thinking sunny thoughts — particular­ly because the CAQ’s support is down.

“The CAQ rose because of a snowball effect,” Lisée told reporters, noting the CAQ has slipped five percentage points since the start of the year. “But the snow melts in spring. Imagine how it will be when it gets sunny.”

He turned around a question about the PQ’s own standing, saying at least support has stabilized.

“Those who seemed invincible three months ago are suddenly less invincible,” he said in reference to the CAQ. “It (the election) will clearly be a three-way race.”

And Lisée had an opinion on why support for the Liberals among non-francophon­es is up.

He said some of that shift can be attributed to “the very divisive and unacceptab­le” accusation­s that Finance Minister Carlos Leitão made when he accused the CAQ of preaching ethnic nationalis­m.

“So slander works in some part of the electorate, and that is a bit saddening,” Lisée said.

In the Liberal ranks, the mood was more upbeat. The poll, by Léger for the LCN television network, shows support for the party up three percentage points to 29 per cent since the beginning of March.

“You know I never comment on polls,” Premier Philippe Couillard said, smiling as he walked by reporters.

But Immigratio­n Minister David Heurtel didn’t hesitate to explain the non-francophon­e vote increase.

“We’ve been putting forward what the CAQ really means,” Heurtel said. “And when you look at the expulsion test (for new immigrants), that’s a measure which divides Quebecers, and I think Quebecers fundamenta­lly don’t want division.”

The poll also shows Québec solidaire stuck at nine per cent after scoring much higher in earlier polls this year.

The arrival of former La Presse columnist Vincent Marissal, who is seeking the QS nomination in the riding of Rosemont, had no effect on the party’s standing. On Wednesday, Marissal issued a “mea culpa,” admitting he lied when he denied discussing a potential candidacy with the Liberal Party of Canada.

QS MNA Amir Khadir conceded Marissal’s early stumbles in the transition from journalism to politics have not helped the cause.

“We all make faux pas, but Vincent Marissal is an important addition to the work of QS; he represents a strength,” Khadir told reporters.

The internet poll of 1,019 Quebecers was conducted from April 6-8. A poll this size is considered reliable plus or minus 3.1 per cent 19 times out of 20.

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