Montreal Gazette


Employees to be designated as gunmen


OTTAWA • For a new, annual “active shooter drill,” the Canadian government is asking some of its employees to pretend to be gunmen hunting down their colleagues at the office.

Documents obtained by the National Post show elaborate planning, over the past five weeks, for a drill at a major government building in Gatineau, Que., on April 18. The drill will involve just over 1,000 people, most of whom work for government department­s. The majority, about 850, work at National Defence.

A few identified as “armed intruders” won’t be toting guns, but sticky notes, instead, to track breaches of protocol.

The ramp-up in emergency measures at federal offices comes in response to gaps identified after the Parliament Hill shooting Oct. 22, 2014, in which a Canadian soldier was killed, according to a Q&A for employees prepared by Global Affairs Canada.

“Active shooter incidents are becoming more common around the world and Canada is not immune. In response to recent events, Treasury Board is requiring that all department­s develop an employee informatio­n program for an active shooter incident and conduct annual active shooter drills,” reads an email sent to managers in a government building in March.

With the policy apparently rolling out across the government, about 259,000 employees, across every province and territory, are going to start conducting annual “active shooter” drills.

A few weeks ahead of the drill, employees were offered training sessions on procedures to follow during a lockdown, which occurs when an incident such as a shooting, hostage-taking or occupation is happening inside the building.

A PowerPoint presentati­on called “Run, Hide, Defend” begins by saying ”there is no right or wrong decision when facing a crisis incident.” Running or hiding are preferred. Detailed instructio­ns for running include making sure that palms are visible to law enforcemen­t; for hiding, employees are urged to silence their cellphones, and turn off the vibrate function.

The presentati­on suggests, as absolute last resorts during a shooting, that public servants could “throw items or improvise weapons,” “act aggressive­ly” and “keep fighting until the shooter is defeated.”

The Global Affairs Canada Q&A gets into even more detail. Don’t follow your instinct to pull a fire alarm, it says — the instinct to evacuate could put more people in danger. Don’t leave unless you see flames or smoke.

If you feel unsettled or anxious after watching a video your managers show you — called “RUN. HIDE. FIGHT.” — talk about your feelings, it reads.

The video, which dramatizes a shooting situation, was produced by the City of Houston in 2012 with funds from the United States Department of Homeland Security, according to the city’s website. One of the government presentati­ons provided to employees notes that the video could be “disturbing for some,” and “its contents may not necessaril­y reflect the values and gender equality principles of the Government of Canada.”

Next week’s drill itself will only last 18 minutes. “Occupants will only practice HIDE option,” it says. It also notes that employees should not discuss the drill outside the office until the day of — it “should only be shared on a need-to-know basis.”

Once a final warning has sounded, “a disgruntle­d and armed employee” will appear in work areas, although the presentati­on stipulates “there will be no real or simulated weapons used.” A spreadshee­t with informatio­n about the couple of dozen chosen for the role shows that most of the individual­s, at least based on their first names, are men. They outnumber women about five-to-one.

According to a source with knowledge of a briefing to the “armed intruders” on Wednesday morning, their job will be to conduct a visual search of offices.

The “intruders,” part of “emergency” teams at their respective offices, according to one document, were told to focus on motion and noise rather than checking under every cubicle desk, because in a real-life situation, a shooter is likely to want to work fast and look for easy targets. They’ll be carrying a sticky note form to jot down “violations,” taking note if they get a hint — even if just a whisper — that somebody is in their vicinity.

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