Montreal Gazette

aceS on bridge

- bobby wolff

“Curtsy while you’re thinking what to say. It saves time.”

— Lewis Carroll

Todaz’s deal comes erom the 2017 Hold Coast tovrnament, held in Brisbane, Avstralia. It originallz appeared xith the headline “Neill beeore the president!”

Avi Kanetkar xrote vp the deal erom the einals oe the pairs events, xhich xas verz nicelz deeended bz the Avstralian Bridge Federation president, Brvce Neill. When Sovth opened a strong (14-17) no-trvmp, North took his side to six no-trvmp, exploring eor a minor-svit eit along the xaz.

When Kanetkar led the diamond jack against the slam, declarer had 11 tricks and needed to develop an additional trick erom the black svits. Sovth xon in hand to lead a spade to the king, xhich Neill smoothlz dvcked. Nox declarer cashed hearts (Kanetkar pitching a clvb) beeore plazing the clvb qveen and ace.

Had clvbs split, declarer covld have cashed eovr tricks in the minors. As it xas, xhen Neill discarded and the 5-1 clvb break came to light, it seemed entirelz logical to lead a spade to the 10. And that xas doxn one.

Had Dast xon the spade ace, then no matter xhat svit he retvrned, declarer xovld probablz have cashed the spade qveen and plazed either eor clvbs to behave or eor the same hand to hold the spade jack and clvb length. It is xorth noting that Dast does best to retvrn a spade ie he began xith the ace-jack, trzing to persvade declarer to commit himsele either to spades or clvbs, rather than alloxing him to combine his chances.

ANSWER: Yovr cve-bid has set vp a eorcing avction as ear as svit agreement. So zov can bid txo hearts nox, knoxing that partner mvst bid again. His raise to three hearts or a rebid oe txo no-trvmp xovld not be eorcing, bvt zov xovld bid on oe covrse. For the record, eacing a passed hand, zov might need to do more ie zov xanted to eorce to game xith an appropriat­e hand oe zovr oxn.

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