Montreal Gazette


Documentar­y examines Presley’s death, drug use and despair


Few deaths in pop history have exerted such a grim fascinatio­n as that of Elvis Presley. By the time he died, more than four decades ago in his bathroom at Graceland, he had become a drug-addicted recluse. He was plagued by debts, self doubt and a spiralling addiction to cheeseburg­ers and prescripti­on drugs, including barbiturat­es and amphetamin­es.

When he wasn’t maintainin­g a frantic tour schedule, he was holed up at home, where family members have since spoken of having to remove food from his mouth when he fell asleep at the dinner table. Images from his final performanc­es, just weeks before his death, show him sweaty and obese. There has been rampant speculatio­n about the cause of Presley’s death in the intervenin­g years, thanks in part to the fact the autopsy report was never made public, although the official line was heart failure.

And now Priscilla Presley, his former child bride who inherited Graceland, even though their marriage broke up in 1973, has dragged the whole sorry story back into the headlines by suggesting his death may have been intentiona­l.

Elvis Presley: The Searcher is a new documentar­y from HBO that features the memories of Bruce Springstee­n, the late Tom Petty and Priscilla. In it, Priscilla says that Elvis “knew what he was doing” on the night he was found dead at the age of 42. “We’re exposing what went on behind the scenes,” she’s said of the film, declaring those who love Elvis “need to see what happened.”

Ginger Alden, who was Elvis’s 21-year-old fiancée when he died and who found Elvis’s body on the bathroom floor, immediatel­y disputed Priscilla’s claims this week on Facebook. “There is no truth to the stories,” she wrote. “I encourage all fans to please know and understand that Elvis Presley would never and did not commit suicide. He was in a good mood, we had just set a wedding date literally hours earlier. He was ready to go back on stage, something he loved with all of his being.”

Priscilla’s suggestion that Elvis may have killed himself comes months after revelation­s that he had been suffering from depression and had even written suicide notes in the months before his death. One, written to tour manager Joe Esposito, read: “I need a long rest. I’m sick and tired of my life.” Another, to Billy Miller, part of Elvis’s Memphis Mafia friends, included the words: “If it wasn’t for my prayers, I think my life would end. My willpower is almost gone.” Elvis’s stepbrothe­r, Rick Stanley, said he believed the letters to be credible: “To me, it’s clear that suicide was on his mind.”

This is not the first time rumours have surfaced that Elvis was depressed and potentiall­y suicidal.

“Elvis had good reason to be depressed,” believes Ray Connolly, the author of Being Elvis: A Lonely Life. “Drugs had wrecked his body, his career had not gone the way he had intended, and his manager, Colonel Tom Parker, had been ripping him off for years to pay his gambling debts.”

The caricature of a bloated, addled Elvis that lingers today was formed after his divorce from Priscilla. Drugs had been a part of their marriage: Priscilla recalled whole weeks spent with him in his bedroom where he endured pillinduce­d sleeps. In her absence and under gruelling touring commitment­s, his dependency worsened. In 1977 alone his doctor had prescribed 10,000 doses of sedatives, amphetamin­es and narcotics.

Furthermor­e, his musical appeal had dwindled: no longer the snakehippe­d rock ’n’ roll pioneer, Elvis had slid into easy listening.

Elvis was due to start another tour on the night he died. But this, Alden, Ray Connolly, and Elvis’s daughter Lisa Marie Presley all maintain, brought him hope: “He was talking about how good it was going to be,” Connolly says.

Even the facts surroundin­g Elvis’s death are murky: although coroners found 14 different drugs in significan­t quantities in his system, their reports have been examined several times to establish just why he died. The fact that Elvis’s bedroom and bathroom were wiped clean by his aunt and staff before the police arrived didn’t help.

But, Connolly says, “that doesn’t mean he committed suicide. He had liver damage, a massively enlarged heart, corroded veins, an ulcerated larynx and a blocked intestine . ... I don’t believe Elvis committed suicide but his behaviour was almost certainly responsibl­e for his early death.”

London Daily Telegraph

 ??  ?? Elvis Presley was once a snake-hipped rock pioneer, but he was plagued by debts, doubt and drugs before his death.
Elvis Presley was once a snake-hipped rock pioneer, but he was plagued by debts, doubt and drugs before his death.

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