Montreal Gazette

My former life as a Starbucks orphan

Myron Welik recalls his refuge from despair, and the strangers who helped.


Almost 20 years ago, my life hit rock bottom.

I had lost my business. But what I didn’t fully comprehend back then is that I had lost myself.

I had no idea of the storm coming. All I did know is that it was coming. The days became impossible, reminding me of what I didn’t want to know, let alone face.

Today my mind is blank about those early weeks and months. Everything seems blocked out, except for one strange detail. I remember vividly my days in the local Starbucks, where I took refuge.

From my late 20s to late 40s I had raced to build my own business. Long before the words “startup” and “pivot” were in vogue, I was beginning a business and adapting every step of the way. For a while, I was successful. But I didn’t know what I didn’t know. Back then, I didn’t understand many things.

I didn’t fully understand then how lucky I was to meet the love of my life waiting in line for a taxi at New York’s LaGuardia Airport. Behind me was this beautiful woman. We shared a cab ride into Manhattan, just like in the movies. Only this was my movie. Three years later we were married in the Big Apple by a priest and a rabbi. But that is a whole other story.

Back to Starbucks. It became normal, a 49-yearold spending eight to 10 hours a day doing absolutely nothing but drinking coffee and going out of my mind.

Strangely, or maybe not, I became quite close to some of the regulars, especially Gary.

Gary was like the bartender just before closing hour. Just you, him and lots of booze. But with Gary there was no booze. Just tons of very strong coffee. Gary heard my story maybe a hundred times, word for word, but he listened every time as if my life depended on it.

Some days were so bad he had to keep reminding me about my wife and kids and how lucky I was. Most days, I walked around in a trance. The antidepres­sant medication I was on became so powerful it took over my life.

My anxiety decreased. But I felt nothing. I don’t know what would have become of me if I hadn’t met Gary.

Several months went by with me feeling I was the only one in the universe living this nightmare.

But I was wrong. The people I met and shared stories with gave me more comfort than family and friends.

These people were like me, Starbucks orphans, we called ourselves. Nowhere to go. Nobody to see. Our lives frozen. They too were trying to figure things out.

Those days became the most inexpensiv­e therapy sessions I will ever experience. We talked about our families. We shared stories. Most of all, we talked “small talk.”

Starbucks became the antidote to my pain. Literally, it was the kindness of strangers that helped me cope and stay together, or at least somewhat together. Learning that I was not alone made all the difference. Knowing that I could talk forever about the same thing and have an audience was my saviour.

Sometimes, I think about Gary and some of those I met. Unfortunat­ely I lost track of them all, except Gary. We stayed in touch for a brief period as he wanted to know all about the book I was writing. But in time, I lost touch with Gary as well, being too busy trying to stay afloat.

No doubt there will always be Starbucks orphans. I only hope that their stay is brief and like me today, when they do go back, they go only to chase their dreams.

Myron Welik is a writer and entreprene­ur who lives in Montreal.

Learning that I was not alone made all the difference. Knowing that I could talk forever about the same thing and have an audience was my saviour.

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