Montreal Gazette


- bobby wolff

“How did I respect you when you dared to speak the truth to me! Men don’t know women or they would be harder to them.”

— Anthony Trollope

On this deal from the 2017 European Open Championsh­ips, the bulletin remarked that just because the double-dummy analysis tells you something, that doesn’t mean it is “true.” The program tells you what should happen on best play; but how often do you encounter that?

For example, Jovanka Smederevac declared four spades doubled on this deal, where the analysts had indicated that nine tricks were the limit — but no one told declarer!

Smederevac, playing with Matilda Poplilov, received a diamond lead; East won and cashed her heart king, then continued with the heart jack. Smederevac ruffed, led a club to the king, which was ducked, and led a club back. East took her ace but shifted to a low diamond, which turned out to be fatal. Smederevac won her queen, took the spade king, ruffed a diamond to dummy, cashed third club to pitch a diamond.

She had reached a four-card ending where dummy had spade ace, a losing heart and two club winners, while East had three spades and the diamond ace, and South the Q -J-6 of spades and a losing diamond.

When declarer led a club from dummy, East could ruff in with the seven, but declarer could overruff, ruff a diamond to dummy, and be in position for the trump coup.

East had needed to notice that declarer has only nine tricks: five spades and four clubs. If you play a trump at every turn, declarer can take diamond ruffs, but in turn you can kill her club tricks by ruffing in.

ANSWER: You doubled to show a good hand, typically with the unbid suits, and your partner reverted to two spades. This doesn’t guarantee a sixth spade, but does suggest a minimum hand with no clear fit for clubs or hearts. You are certainly close to a pass, and I might do that at pairs; but at teams and vulnerable, I’d stretch to raise to three.

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