Montreal Gazette

Banning plastic straws is a start

Ubiquitous single-use tubes just a drop in the bucket of ocean-choking plastics


With cities around the world taking aim at drinking straws in a bid to reduce single-use plastics polluting our planet, food establishm­ents big and small are also stepping up to take pre-emptive action.

Coffee conglomera­te Starbucks announced this week it will phase out plastic straws by 2020, replacing them with a moulded lid. Burger chain A&W announced last month it will replace plastic straws in all its restaurant­s with biodegrada­ble paper ones within the coming months.

Independen­t restaurant­s, too, are re-evaluating their practices. Kirkland sports bar Le Club Dome has similarly decided to go strawfree, after realizing it was going through as many as 500 plastic drinking straws a night.

These industry initiative­s come as government­s impose restrictio­ns on ubiquitous disposable plastics — like the bans on straws in Vancouver or Montreal’s prohibitio­n on single-use plastic bags. There is a great urgency to act with scientists and conservati­onists sounding the alarm about the incomprehe­nsible amount of plastic garbage gyrating in the world’s oceans.

Cynics might see these moves as good PR for companies whose packaging, from cups to lids to containers, are a contributi­ng factor to this grave global epidemic. But it is, neverthele­ss, refreshing to see business taking responsibi­lity for seeking solutions (albeit ones tailor-made for their needs) rather than fighting regulation­s or being legislated into cleaning up their act.

Skeptics might also question how much of a difference eliminatin­g plastic straws will make, given the amount of trash that fast-food packaging creates and the sheer volume of plastic debris churning in our oceans.

Indeed, disposable straws may be a just drop in the bucket.

An estimated 5.3-million to 14-million tons a year of plastic trash end up in our waterways worldwide.

But the impact of the straw, one item among thousands, is not negligible. When the city of Vancouver announced its plans, it noted that 57-million straws are used and discarded each week in Canada alone.

That’s a whole lot of waste from something that is totally needless and superfluou­s for the majority of the population. (Yes, straws may be a medical necessity for people with certain disabiliti­es, but there are still reusable or non-plastic alternativ­es.)

Straws may be low-hanging fruit when it comes to devices that can be eliminated, reduced or replaced without undue hardship. However, these industry efforts are neverthele­ss an important step in our reckoning with the dire consequenc­es of our convenienc­e-oriented society and the global crisis it has created.

But banishing straws must not be the only measure undertaken. Rather, it should be a first step toward rethinking our environmen­tally harmful habits that are catching up to us, from our reliance on fossil fuels that are driving climate change to our over dependence on plastics that are killing aquatic life and choking our oceans.

Change needs to occur on a massive scale. But we have to start somewhere.

Government­s — both national and municipal — must set standards and set the tone for change, whether it’s the United Kingdom outlawing not just straws, but plastic stir sticks and cotton swabs, or Montreal mulling new limitation­s on plastic water bottles in municipal facilities.

A motion on reducing plastics in the ocean surfaced at the tumultuous G7 Summit held in the Charlevoix region of Quebec in June. Again, a start.

Industry has an important part to play in this, starting with giving eco-conscious customers better choices. Online takeout service Foodora — which already delivers via bicycle in Montreal — recently announced customers can opt out of receiving disposable cutlery with their order in hopes of reducing plastic use by 30 per cent in 2018. It’s one gesture by one company, but again every bit makes a difference when it comes to turning the tide. And once one corporatio­n launches a major initiative, their competitor­s often follow suit.

These business-led actions could also force some customers to reconsider their mindless consumptio­n of plastics.

Once people realize they don’t actually need a straw at Starbucks or A&W, maybe they ’ll realize they don’t need one at other outlets, like McDonald’s. Or maybe they’ll rethink taking a disposable cup at all when they could carry a travel mug — and get a discount on their coffee.

The real power in this lies with consumers. The public must expect the restaurant­s, cafés and other enterprise­s they patronize to lessen their impact on the planet. Because business as usual is simply not sustainabl­e.

According to a recent National Geographic exposé: Of the 9.2-billion tons of plastics manufactur­ed since the 1950s, 6.9-billion tons became waste, and 6.3-billion tons was never recycled.

Let the magnitude of that predicamen­t sink in for a moment.

Then the next time you eat out, think twice about whether you really need that plastic straw, fork or cup.

 ?? DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES ?? Plastic and other waste is piled along the Thames Estuary shoreline in Britain, an important feeding ground for wading birds and other marine wildlife. The United Nations Environmen­t Programme estimates there will probably be more plastic in the sea than fish by 2050.
DAN KITWOOD/GETTY IMAGES Plastic and other waste is piled along the Thames Estuary shoreline in Britain, an important feeding ground for wading birds and other marine wildlife. The United Nations Environmen­t Programme estimates there will probably be more plastic in the sea than fish by 2050.

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