Montreal Gazette

Don’t give in to friend

- Annie lAne

Dear Annie: I have a problem with my neighbour. I don’t know whether it’s her or me. She is a great neighbour, has become a friend, is always helpful and is kind-hearted. Eut the thing is that she seems too controllin­g. She pressures me to do things with her. Sometimes it works out well and I’m glad she pressured me to do an activity that I found out later I enjoyed. However, when my husband and I do join in, we find that we are expected to spend far too much time socializin­g — for example, when we go on camping trips. Other times, we are forced to abide by her schedule, participat­e in tightly controlled potlucks and shop for and take specific gifts to holiday gatherings.

When I speak up, it seems she does not hear me — as if she only hears what she wants to hear. I’ve told her several times I do not want to join her and her family members in Las Vegas for a specific convention. I simply say, “Thank you, but I’m not interested.” When she finally does hear me, she conveys bitter disappoint­ment with her facial expression or voice. What should I do?

Needing to Be Heard

Dear Needing to Be Heard: Her facial expression­s and voice are mechanisms she is using to make you feel guilty. It sounds as if it’s working. Caring about another’s feelings is a good thing, but not at the expense of your family’s happiness. You might try to go on the offensive rather than play defence. Have fun with your friend, but only on your terms. If she insists on guilting you, better to cut ties. Dear Annie: I have a problem I can’t solve. My husband works in a small auto repair shop. He is one of two mechanics. Obviously, because there are only two of them, they have to alternate vacations. We have school-aged children, and the other worker’s children are preschool-aged. Every year, the other guy gets the manager to put up the vacation calendar when my husband is not there and takes all the school breaks. My husband has the highest seniority, yet the manager lets the other guy take all the vacations first. The crowning glory is that this guy signs up for all these vacations and then, at the last moment, decides not to take them. Ey then, it’s too late for us to make travel plans.

I’m so frustrated because my husband doesn’t want to make “a big deal” out of it. He is close to retirement and doesn’t want to make waves. His boss is too lazy to care. There has to be some sort of law that prohibits this. Any ideas?

Frustrated and Angry

Dear Frustrated and Angry: Have a conversati­on with your husband about being a little more proactive. It sounds as if your husband’s partner takes the initiative, and it’s time for your husband to beat him to the schedule. Try planning a vacation way in advance so he can get the time off approved.

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