Montreal Gazette

Adding up the real costs of longevity

Countless new studies calculate how we can lengthen our lives — or shorten them

- JOSH FREED joshfreed4­

I got great news last month when I learned I would live nine years longer than most people, because I play tennis.

A recent Danish study found people who play racket sports live six years longer than cyclists (or joggers) and nine years more than non-exercisers.

Whew! That extra nine years should make up for the fact a recent U.S. study shows I will live four years less than non-drinkers, because I have a couple of glasses of wine most nights.

I will lose an additional four years because I don’t attend regular religious services, according to an Ohio study. So all I can do is pray.

Everywhere I look there are countless new studies calculatin­g how I can lengthen my life, or shorten it. For instance:

My diet: Several studies come out each hour warning us what we should and shouldn’t eat. I can deduct four years from my life because I rarely eat the recommende­d 10 fruits and vegetables a day — unless you count french fries.

I don’t drink anywhere near enough water (minus one year), I like salt and I’m not a vegetarian (minus three). But I am a dessert-arian (add 12,775,000, lifetime calories).

Luckily, I do have low blood pressure (add 5.2 years) and I don’t smoke (add 10 more). I drink coffee, which can also lengthen my life, especially if you drink at least five cups a day, according to many studies funded by coffee companies.

However, that would keep me up all night and take years off my life, according to insomnia studies. So fortunatel­y I am also helped by: My geography: Statistica­lly speaking, I will live nine years longer than the average Russian and three more than an American because I live in Canada. (Yay!)

But that’s still seven years less than if I lived in Monaco ( boohoo), where men live until 86. And I lose another four years because I’m not a woman, let alone a woman in Monaco where they live to 94.

My genetics: They matter bigtime, show all studies, but so does luck. One side of my family lives pretty long and one dies quite young. But whose genes do I have?

That’s where luck comes in, as well as boundless biological indicators. For instance, the top of my head has always been bald, which means 36 per cent more chance of heart disease, according to Harvard Medical School.

My ring finger is longer than my index finger, which ups my chance of prostate cancer by a third, according to a British study.

Alas, I didn’t have daughters, since each one helps you live 74 weeks longer — at least in Poland where that study was done. Also, I’m tall, and short people live longer according to a study by short people.

My habits: Lifestyle studies now come out every 14 minutes upping or reducing my chances of dying soon.

As a night owl, my likelihood of not waking up each morning is 10 per cent higher than average, according to a British study. So RIP for me.

I don’t take saunas, which increase longevity, according to a recent Finnish study. I don’t own a dog, so I lose two years. But I don’t watch that much TV, so add six years.

I also don’t take selfies, which have killed more than 250 people according to a study last month — most of them likely posing by the edge of a cliff.

My exercise: I rarely walk the 10,000 steps a day recommende­d in our survival-of-the-fittest society. But I do bike and play tennis — as well as fidget a lot, which burns calories and counts as exercise, according to many studies.

Unfortunat­ely, I sit far more than I exercise or fidget, which is really bad according to all studies. How many biking hours do I need per sitting hour?

They need to invent a computer that’s powered by pedalling so I’d have to bike to stay online. Me: Siri, please find the Montreal weather today.

Siri: No problem, Josh, as soon as you pedal another four minutes and 37 seconds. Yesterday’s exercise credit is used up.

The fact is we live increasing­ly measured lives, counting our heartbeats, steps, calories, cholestero­l and toothbrush strokes.

Apple phones are now offering an Instant Blood Pressure app so we can all check it as often as our messages — and it won’t stop there. You’ll look around soon and see your dining partner is distracted.

“Sorry,” he’ll say, “I was just checking my triglyceri­des and alpha wave sleep last night.”

As for me, when I add up all my numbers, the good news is I will live 43 extra years because of my healthy habits, so as a Canadian male I should live to 123.

The bad news is I will live 52 years less than average because of my bad habits, so I’m likely to die at 28.

You check the math. I’ll have a glass of wine.

I don’t own a dog, so I lose two years. But I don’t watch that much TV, so add six years.

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