Montreal Gazette

Kavanaugh’s confirmati­on all but assured

Final decision could come Saturday


WASHINGTON • Republican Sen. Susan Collins of Maine declared Friday she will vote to confirm Brett Kavanaugh’s Supreme Court nomination, all but ensuring that a deeply riven Senate will elevate the conservati­ve jurist to the nation’s highest court despite allegation­s that he sexually assaulted women decades ago.

The dramatic Senate floor announceme­nt by perhaps the chamber’s most moderate Republican ended the suspense over a tortuous, election-season battle that had left Kavanaugh’s fate in doubt for nearly a month after the first accusation against him. It assured a victory for President Donald Trump’s quest to move the Supreme Court rightward, perhaps for decades, and a satisfying win for Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell and the GOP’s conservati­ve base.

Moments after Collins finished talking, the only remaining undeclared lawmaker, Democrat Joe Manchin of West Virginia, said he, too, would vote “yes” in the showdown confirmati­on roll call expected Saturday afternoon. Manchin, the only Democrat supporting Kavanaugh, faces a competitiv­e re-election race next month in a state Trump carried in 2016 by 42 percentage points.

Support by Collins and Manchin gives Kavanaugh at least 51 votes in the 100-member Senate for an election-season victory against the backdrop conflict of the #MeToo movement and staunch conservati­ve support for Trump. Both parties are hoping the bitter struggle will energize their most loyal voters to stream to the polls in less than five weeks, when GOP control of the House and perhaps the Senate is in play.

“We will be ill-served in the long run if we abandon the presumptio­n of innocence and fairness, tempting though it may be,” Collins said in remarks that stretched for more than 40 minutes but addressed the sexual-abuse allegation­s only near the end. “We must always remember that it is when passions are most inflamed that fairness is most in jeopardy.”

Collins said Christine Blasey Ford’s dramatic testimony to the Senate Judiciary Committee last week describing Kavanaugh’s alleged 1982 assault on her were “sincere, painful and compelling.” But Collins said witnesses Ford had identified who were interviewe­d by the FBI last week and included in a report the agency gave lawmakers had failed to corroborat­e Ford’s claims.

“I do not believe that those charges can fairly prevent Judge Kavanaugh from serving on the court,” Collins said.

Manchin said in a written statement, “My heart goes out to anyone who has experience­d any type of sexual assault in their life. However, based on all of the informatio­n I have available to me, including the recently completed FBI report, I have found Judge Kavanaugh to be a qualified jurist who will follow the Constituti­on and determine cases based on the legal findings before him.”

Republican Lisa Murkowski of Alaska, a fellow moderate and a friend of Collins, is the only Republican who has indicated she will vote no.

“I believe that Brett Kavanaugh is a good man. It just may be that in my view he’s not the right man for the court at this time,” Murkowski told reporters. She said she respected her colleagues’ support for Kavanaugh, but added: “I also that think we’re at a place where we need to think about the credibilit­y and integrity of our institutio­ns.”

Murkowski acknowledg­ed she agonized over her vote, telling reporters she didn’t make up her mind until she walked into the Senate chamber.

“This has truly been the most difficult evaluation of a decision that I’ve ever had to make, and I’ve made some interestin­g ones in my political career,” Murkowski said.

Republican­s hold a bare 51-49 majority in the Senate.

They are looking for Kavanaugh to cement a conservati­ve majority on the court, while Democrats say they’re alarmed he could provide the fifth vote to overturn the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision that legalized abortion.

 ?? ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES ?? U.S. Sen. Susan Collins announced in a floor speech that she will vote for the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.
ALEX WONG/GETTY IMAGES U.S. Sen. Susan Collins announced in a floor speech that she will vote for the nomination of Brett Kavanaugh.

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