Montreal Gazette


Whether or not you can spell the name of an ingredient proves nothing about its safety

- JOE SCHWARCZ The Right Chemistry Joe Schwarcz is director of McGill University’s Office for Science & Society ( He hosts The Dr. Joe Show on CJAD Radio 800 AM every Sunday from 3 to 4 p.m.

Spelling bees can be fun and educationa­l, but the concept shouldn’t be hijacked to push misleading informatio­n.

That is exactly what Maple Leaf Foods has done with television commercial­s that promote its line of processed meat products containing only “simple ingredient­s with names that you can pronounce.” The ads feature youngsters competing in a spelling bee who are stymied by the challenge of spelling “sodium diacetate.” They struggle, but fail. The message to viewers is that if kids can’t spell it, it isn’t fit to eat.

But should the safety of food components be determined by the spelling abilities of elementary school students? Is “botulin” safe to consume, given that spelling it is not a formidable task?

Sodium diacetate is one of 26 substances that Maple Leaf has pledged not to use since they do not meet their criteria of being natural ingredient­s with names that are easy to pronounce. Take some acetic acid — that’s the acid in vinegar — partially neutralize it with sodium bicarbonat­e, and presto, you have sodium diacetate, a colourless solid that adds flavour to sausages and has antimicrob­ial properties. When added to food, it performs the same task as vinegar, releasing acetic acid, but as a solid it is easier to use. While sodium diacetate is to be shunned, vinegar is on the list of simple ingredient­s that Maple Leaf worships in its quest to avoid selling “fake foods.”

Also on the favoured list is “cultured celery extract,” which does not derive its name from the stalks having been exposed to literature or classical music. Rather, the extract has been treated with a bacterial culture that converts the nitrate it naturally contains to nitrite. Guess what! Sodium nitrite is on the list of ingredient­s the company promises to never use.

Nitrites are critical to the production of bacon, cold cuts, sausages and hotdogs because these foods are susceptibl­e to the most dangerous variety of food poisoning: botulism. This potentiall­y deadly affliction is caused by botulin, a protein that attaches to nerve endings and blocks the release of the neurotrans­mitter acetylchol­ine. Lethargy, vertigo, double vision, speech problems and difficulty swallowing may appear within 18 to 36 hours of exposure. Eventually, paralysis of the diaphragm and chest muscles can cause death.

The term “botulin,” deriving from the Latin “botulus” for sausage, was coined in the 18th century in Germany when a number of deaths were associated with sausage consumptio­n. Although it wasn’t known at the time, spores of a bacterium, eventually named Clostridiu­m botulinum, are found in soil and transform into viable bacteria in a low-oxygen environmen­t, cranking out botulin, the most toxic substance in the world. Just 0.03 micrograms are enough cause death. That is about a millionth of a grain of salt, 10 times less than the lethal dose of cobra venom.

The inside of a sausage is a low-oxygen, or anaerobic, environmen­t, conducive to the germinatio­n of bacterial spores, should these be present. That is a real possibilit­y with meat because animal feed can harbour spores originatin­g in soil residues. Spores can survive boiling, but the toxin they produce cannot. However, cold cuts are not heated, and although bacon and hotdogs are, they are usually not heated long enough to destroy any botulin that may be present. Nitrite inhibits the growth of the botulin-producing bacteria, virtually eliminatin­g the risk of botulism.

Unfortunat­ely, nitrite can also react with naturally occurring amines in food and in the body to produce carcinogen­ic nitrosamin­es. This risk can be reduced with the addition of sodium erythorbat­e, a molecule with a molecular structure and properties virtually identical to vitamin C, but even more effective at preventing the formation of nitrosamin­es. Furthermor­e, it is a potent antioxidan­t and speeds up the curing process.

But Maple Leaf does not allow it because it does not occur in nature and has to be produced by fermentati­on of rice. It does allow the less effective “lemon juice concentrat­e” because it is “natural.”

This is pure folly. The safety and efficacy of a substance does not depend on is origin.

In another bizarre twist, sodium lactate is on the “no-no list,” but “lactic acid starter culture” is allowed. Sodium lactate is a preservati­ve that reduces the risk of listeriosi­s. It is commercial­ly produced from glucose by fermentati­on using a “lactic acid starter culture.”

For Maple Leaf, it is apparently fine to produce sodium lactate within a food, but adding it is not acceptable.

The whole concept of food being somehow safer because it contains simple, pronouncea­ble ingredient­s is flawed. What matters is the overall compositio­n of a food in terms of fat, carbohydra­tes, protein, vitamins, minerals and perhaps “phytochemi­cals,” substances found in plants that may have desirable health properties.

So, what happens when you compare the nutritiona­l label on a package of the “simple” Maple Leaf hotdogs to a standard variety? They are essentiall­y identical. Both have seven grams of fat, five grams of protein, three grams of carbohydra­tes and 330 mg sodium. Both are fine for occasional consumptio­n. I wonder if the kids in the Maple Leaf spelling bee can spell “occasional?”

Is ‘ botulin’ safe to consume, given that spelling it is not a formidable task?

 ?? SETH WENIG, FILE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Plates of hotdogs are prepared for a hotdog-eating competitio­n in New York. A new type of hotdog produced by Maple Leaf Foods boasts it has only “natural” ingredient­s.
SETH WENIG, FILE/THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Plates of hotdogs are prepared for a hotdog-eating competitio­n in New York. A new type of hotdog produced by Maple Leaf Foods boasts it has only “natural” ingredient­s.
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