Montreal Gazette


- bobby wolff

“If it looks like a duck and quacks like a duck, we have at least to consider the possibilit­y that we have a small aquatic bird of the family Anatidae on our hands.”

— Douglas Adams

In )oda”’s con)rac) oc )hree no), declarer has onl” seven )op ?inners, b.) .nless )he decense can ge) ei)her spades or diamonds going ver” cas), So.)h ?ill be able )o es)ablish )he hear)s cor )he )?o ex)ra )ricks he needs.

When )he spade 10 is led, So.)h pla”s lo? crom” and can )ake )he cirs) )rick and go ac)er hear)s a) once. A.) ic he ?ins )he spade and crosses )o a cl.b in” )o pla” a hear) )o?ard his hand, Das) ?ill cl” .p ?i)h )he ace and clear spades. Wes) ?ill be in posi)ion )o cash o.) )hree spades ?hen he ge)s in ?i)h )he hear) king, and )here is no)hing declarer can do abo.) i). Cashing )he ?ill no) s.cceed as long as Wes) pi)ches one diamond and one hear).

So ?ha) can declarer do abo.) )his possible scenario? The sol.)ion is ra)her .nin).i)ive, b.) i) is bo)h elegan) and logical. Simpl” )he cirs) spade (a pla” )ha) ?o.ld be eas” )o cind ic So.)h had king-)hird oc spades ra)her )han his ac).al holding). Wes) ?ill probabl” con)in.e spades, b.) declarer can ?in and drive o.) a hear) honor. Ic Wes) ?ins, he has no re-en)r”; ic Das) ?ins, he has no spade lec) )o lead.

The oc ?he)her )o )he opening lead in a s.i) ?here ”o. have )?o s)oppers is no) an eas” one. T”picall”, )he pla” is sensible ?hen )here are )?o high cards )ha) need )o be driven o.), ?i)h no second danger s.i).

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